Proposal - Finn Hudson

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You couldn't believe it. Graduation was here...for Finn and the others. And just coming off of winning your first Nationals, too. You were so proud of your boyfriend and your friends for graduating. You watched from your seat in the auditorium as each and every single one of your friends had their names called. Rachel, Kurt, Santana, Mercedes, Quinn, Puck, Mike, and last but not least Finn Hudson. You cheered so loudly as you watched your boyfriend receive his diploma from Ms. Pillsbury. After Principal Figgins announced the graduating class of 2012, Finn grabbed a microphone and took center stage.

"Hi guys. Sorry to upstage this graduation, but I need to say something. But I can't say what I need to say without the person I need to say it to. So Y/N will you come up here please?" Finn asked. You blushed as you stood up and made your way to the stage, taking your boyfriend's outstretched hand. "This is Y/N Pierce. The love of my life, my best friend, and she's been at my side when I was going through hell. I love her very much, and I'm lucky to have her." He said kissing your head, making the audience content.

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on this girl that I wanted to be with her for eternity. And I thought since I'm graduating...why not make it even more special? Y/N, I love you so so much. I want to spend forever with you," Finn said as he fumbled for something in his back pocket. Your heart was racing. What did he have planned? "Y/N Pierce...I promise to always love and cherish you for all time and beyond that. Will you marry me, Y/N?" He asked on one knee with a ring in hand. Your hands immediately flew straight to your mouth, shocked at what he'd just done. Not only did he just graduate, but he asked you to marry him! You had happy tears in your eyes as you brought your hands down. "Yes." You simply said into the microphone, making everyone hoot and holler.

Finn beamed widely as he slipped the ring on your finger, bringing you in for a kiss. You kissed back happily, wrapping your arms around Finn's neck. The world seemed to disappear around you both. "I love you." You said once you broke away. "I love you too. Now and forever," he mumbled, holding you close. You were now fiancé to Finn Christopher Hudson. Best. Day. Ever!

// Picture above is your engagement ring!

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