(17) Barton/Maximoff Wedding

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The boys had been given some alotted time to grieve before they finish their tour. Clint and Wanda seized the opportunity for them to go ahead and get married. So as Montana was sitting in the library doing her homework with Kellan and Kaitlyn. She recieved a text.

"Hey everyone meet me and Clint at my parents house for dinner@ 5pm"

Montana read it then rolled her eyes. Kellan said "What? Barnes again?"

"No..Wanda just sent out a group text to tell us all to meet her and Clint at her parents house. So I have to go and get on the fucking road." She said as she gathered up her stuff.

Kellan walked her out. He hugged her "Im glad you dont hate me anymore. And drive safe call/text me if you need me." He said

"I never said I hated you. Im glad that you were upfront and honest with me. Unlike some other person who shall not be named." She said as she got in her car.

She made her way to Fort Jackson. She pulled into Captain Maximoff's driveway. Wanda met her at the door "Come on you are the last to arrive." She said

They all at Elliana's meal that she prepared for them. After dinner and dessert Wanda's mom and Clint's mom brought wedding stuff.

"So in two weeks me and Clint are getting married. Natasha you are still bridesmaid we want it to be uneven to honor Steve." Wanda said

"Why did I have to be here for this?" Montana said

"Because you are a bridesmaid." Wanda said

"Um..no I don't want to be a bridesmaid. I will just be a guest Sasha can be one instead of me. I dont want to mess anything up..so Belle I will just be a guest for you too. And I will not attend yours James.." she said

"Montana its fine..Im not as close to the girls as you are." Sasha said

"No..he is your fiancee..you win Sasha you get the love of my life and my friends..I was never really part of the group was I..I was just passing through.." she said

"Montana.." Bucky said behind her.

"I have to go. I will get my own dress and stuff. I will just be a guest okay?" She said

She walked passed Bucky wiping tears. He closed his eyes and looked down. He sighed then said "Im sorry.." then left.

"What did she mean she didn't want to mess anything up?" Sasha said

Sam took a sip of his beer. "When we all started dating each other. Bucky and her use to what he called it "practicing their wedding." We spent hours in the chapel he lined us all up where we were suppose to go. We all joined in on it. It was always her with Bucky,me with Belle,Nat with Steve,Wanda with Clint." Sam said

"He never told me that.." she said

Bucky was laying in his bed at Fort Benning he left Wanda's and headed home. He stared at his ceiling trying to figure out what he did that was so wrong.

-two weeks later-

Montana got herself ready for the wedding at the hotel. Both Wanda and Nat offered their parents house. Montana didn't want to impose or be in the way.

She put on her dress and heels then drove to the chapel. She walked in she found her seat on the bride's side.  Bucky peaked to see if she made it he looked down.

The ceremony began Natasha started to come down. She smiled at her as it was the exact order Wanda always pretended. She avoided eye contact with Bucky the whole time.

Once the ceremony was over she was about to get in her car. "You aren't staying for the reception?" She heard behind her.

"I rather not." She said

She saw her a white glove go over her hand that was on her car handle. "Montana that is one of your best friends.." Bucky said as he lifted her chin.

"I dont want to go..it will only remind me of our first date. Remember how you asked me to Becca's wedding then asked me to be your girl on the last song we danced to." She said

"I do remember.." he said

"Well I have to go..I dont want to stay she will understand." She said

"Montana.." he whispered.

"You gave up on us. When your promised me that you never would. You stood in that chapel that night and promised me. That there was no girl in the world that could take my place that you would love me forever." She said as she opened the door to her car and left.

He wiped tears. "I know what I promised." He whispered as he walked to the reception.

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