Chapter 3

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"Wait, what?" I ask Addis as he puts his arm around mine, "don't you remember?" I just nodded confused as he pulled me into the café.

"What was all that for?" He looked at me as if I should have known. 

"Come on, Greyson! You know she's completely obsessed with me she's the last person I want to be around for hours. Plus, you were always my second choice if anything happened with Scarlett being my partner." 

I scoffed, "so I'm your second choice? Maybe I should go see if Jane wants to be my partner instead." I smirked as I was about to walk out and he pulled me back to him.

"No, no I didn't- you were always with Lindsey so I could never ask you to be my partner, but I needed a partner anyway." That made absolutely no sense, but I was just messing around with him anyway. 

"You're lucky I love you," I shook my head as he looked into my eyes with his light green eyes, almost sparkling with excitement. He was fairly attractive and I was kind of happy that we were working together this year, he always knew how to make me laugh or smile. 

"So, I really wanted to do my red velvet cupcakes this year, but if you have anything better I'm willing to reconsider." He looked at me and I just looked back at him, "that's okay with me, but your mum said we could use the café to bake our cupcakes and get ready. They're going to be doing the baking at both your mums and Ryan's house."

"Okay," I headed for the back, grabbed the ingredients that we needed and all the bowls, along with the mixer. It was hard to carry all the stuff and I nearly almost fell just as Addis caught me. "Be careful, please." He then helped me grab the stuff and slowly walked over to the radio that we had still on one of the shelves, "that thing is so old." He smiled and it turned onto my favorite station, "seems to work perfectly fine." I rolled my eyes and started to get my recipe out, "let's just get started and get this over with."

He looked at me and squinted his eyes, "what's the big hurry?" I glanced over at him as I replied, "there's no hurry, I promise." I regretted saying that as he asked, "Okay well then..." he reached his hand out, "may I have this dance, Greysen Willows?" I couldn't dance, I never had any sense of rhythm. I felt my face get red from embarrassment. 

"I can't dance, Addis." He shook his head and grabbed my hand, pulling me to him. "Anyone could dance. Well, at least with the right teacher." Truth is dancing was never my thing so I never even bothered to try to learn how, but I knew Addis wasn't going to take no for an answer. 

"Alright, teach me and I'll be the judge of how good of a teacher you are." I smirked, "okay, just follow my lead."

He pulled away to turn the music up a little louder as one of my favorite songs came through the radio, "I love this song." He smiled as he came back pulling me closer than before, "I know. You constantly listen to it." 

I chuckled as he started to lead and I tried not to step on his feet which happened to be harder than I thought. "See, you're not doing so bad. Yet."

"You're such a smart ass sometimes." That's when his gaze went onto me, "you know you like it." Feeling flustered he then started to spin me and then pulling me back in by my waist. I looked into his eyes. 

There were just the two of us and music to fill the empty cafe.  It felt different, but dancing together felt right even though I sucked. "Greyson..." He looked back into my eyes leaning closer, wrapping his arms around me.

"I.." Addis started to mutter out, but before he could even start I heard the ring of the café door opening. "Hey-oh am I interrupting something?" Lindsey asked pointing at Addis and me as I moved back to the counter, "not at all, Addis was just showing me a few steps you know how I suck at dancing." 

She laughed, "oh god yes, you're terrible at it. Maybe Addis could teach me one day too." He nodded as he came beside me, "We should really get started." 

Addis said as Lindsey got the hint to leave, "oh right, I just needed some flour because Jane said she doesn't have much at the house."

Addis went to get it and I just stayed up front as I looked out the window, wondering cluelessly about what Addis was going to say. Maybe he was going to tell me that he's like in love with Letty or something. I mean they are close, but with Ryan around now it's different. 

"Here you go, Lindsey." He handed her the flour and she was gone before I knew it.

For the next hour or so Addis and I just worked hard on baking the cupcakes to perfection. After they were all in the oven we sat in the corner table together across from each other. "What do you really want in the future?" 

That question was so random and really made me think. Truth be told I've never thought about what I wanted my future to really look like. "I guess, I just want to be happy and maybe own my own town or something." He chuckled and I asked, "what?"

"Why a town?" He asked. 

"It would be a town where people with low income or troubled families could go to be safe and be able to not be homeless and the whole town would be one big family." 

Making people happy was something I always wanted to do. "I never seen you smile as much as you're smiling now," Addis smiled at me as he said that. 

"Well, the thought of making people smile makes me smile," I replied.

I felt his foot touch mine as he said: "well I love your smile."

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