The mix 3

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 Ranger P.O.V

Right when my vans hit floor I'm pushed by Lula. "Get out the way mix." All of sudden, the love of my life starts speaking to me and I get lost in those crystal blue eyes. "I'm so sorry for Lula." The goddess says "I-I-t's okay." I stutter She then lets out a laugh that could make flowers bloom at a snap of a finger. I snap out my trance when I hear my friends laughing behind me. "Sarah c'mon." Lula says.

 "Well bye umm?" "Ranger" I say a bit too fast "It's Ranger." "Well see you later Ranger." I watch as Sarah runs to catch up with Lula. "Man, you make me cringe." We go our separate ways when we hear the bell rings. 

While, walking down the empty hallway the light decides to start going on and off again. It was eerily quite in the hall when suddenly I come upon this classroom that had red light come from under the door. I reached out my hand to touch the door handle and one touch from my finger sent electricity flowing through my body. I decided If I want to be able to marry Sarah, I can't die right now by going in a dreadful looking classroom.

 I tried to let go of the door handle but it was like my hand was glued on "Ugh, why can't my hand let go!" I sighed might as well open the door now. I open the door and walk into the red bloodcurdling room. 

"Whoever is doing this come out!" No sound whatsoever. I walk around the room waiting for someone to pop out and say got you turd but no one. I walk up to the teacher's desk to find a piece of paper missing its half that says. "Dismon nom benny deux fois. Je purais juste vous aider avec votre vie. Cependant trop de mesonges et vous." I say 

I wait for a shock or some magical powers to go through my body but nothing happens. "Man, what a waste a time, where's the magical transformation or the bright light coming from my body." I walk out of the classroom right when the bell rings. "Oh no, I missed first period."

 I ran to my second period which is gym the one subject I'm actually good at. "Ranger! Ranger!" I turn around to Pepper in her gym clothes. "You in gym class too?" Peppers says "Yep." "Chris and Ashley is in gym with us too." "So basically more people to make fun of me." 

"You know it bro!" She suddenly puts her around my neck and whispers in my ear "Sarah is in your gym class so don't be weird." I shove her sweaty arm off my shoulder "I won't embarrass myself, you know I'm a god at sports." I say confidently 

Wait! I'm in class with Sarah I can impress her with my skills. I quickly get changed in the locker room because of the anxiety I get from being in there. When I walk out of there I'm welcomed by Ashley telling me I smell a mix between old spice and peppermints. "That smells terrible who told you to walk out your house like that." She says 

"Yo, Ranger you smell nice!" Chris says "Thank you, someone who has a nice taste in smell." Ashley walks away to her group of friends gagging. "You ready for dodge ball Ranger" Chris says "You know I am especially since I can impress Sarah with my skills." Chris look down to the floor and says " Uh, I don't know your brother is in this period too."

 "What I can never win against that peasant." The whistle goes off indicating the game has started I run over to the bleachers and watch Sarah play 

Insert Dreamy sigh "I can see drool come out your mouth idiot." Joshua the peasant says"Ugh, what do you want peasant." I just wanted to warn you that I'm going to beat later." "Okay?" "THAT'S IT?" he asks shocked "No comeback like usual?"  "Dude, just go" I say "Okay, but just wait till I'll destroy you." 

I turn my head to look at Sarah again when I noticed she's about to get hit in the face with a dodge ball. "Gotta go fast!" I say while running to stop the doge ball and all of sudden time goes in slow motion and I hear Chris saying "You go bro!" in slow motion and Sarah's shocked face then I see Nothing but a dodge ball coming straight for me then I see blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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