Part 5

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When Omkara brought food to Gauri. He saw a scene that made his face tense. Why not. Gauri sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning on the bed while reading a book about pregnancy. She could not move, let alone down from the bed.

"Gauri .. what are you doing on the floor. Why are you sitting down. Gauri you are sick. Remember the doctor has warned you to be careful. Sit on top. And eat something. I don't want you and our child to be sick."

Omkara helps Gauri rest in bed. When Omkara will feed Gauri, she is jolted by he hand.

"I don't need to help. I can do it yourself." Gauri's attitude turned cold again.

Gauri takes the plate from he hand and eats his food with a sour face. She took a bite in his mouth but stopped. She suddenly stopped and made Omkara even more worried.

"What's wrong. Is it not tasty. Are you lacking in taste. What's up Gauri."

Her stomach suddenly felt strange. It felt like there was a disgusting liquid in his throat. She felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. She got down from the bed and ran to the bathroom. Omkara who was anxiously followed Gauri from behind.

She took out all the contents in his stomach. It doesn't feel bad. Her stomach is very bad. Her throat was sore. Her tongue feels bitter. Her took everything out. Omkara from behind helped her by holding her hair and stroking her back.

Omkara wipes Gauri's mouth with a towel and warm water. Don't forget to rinse your mouth. Omkara helps keep her body stable and not fall. He tucked her hair behind her ear. Dry it with a tissue.

Omkara protectively hugged her from behind. The look on he anxious face could be seen from the reflection of the wall mirror. Gauri's breath was still breathing hard, she swallowed a lot. Her hands were firmly gripped by Omkara who swiftly protected her so she would not fall. Her body was very weak. Her head rested on he broad chest. Omkara tries to calm Gauri's feelings. He kissed her shoulder and whispered.

"You're feeling better. Try to catch your breath Gauri. Calm down. Relax. Is it still nauseous." He asked softly.

Gauri only shook her head. And his eyes are still closed.

"I'll drop you off."

Omkara kissed Gauri's forehead and carried her. Her hands wrapped around him neck and bowed limply. His face was buried in the curve of his neck for protection. This time she did not have the energy anymore. Gauri resigned to the care and attention given by Omkara.


When Gauri was walking casually in the park, from a distance Omkara watched his wife who was resting sitting on a park chair caressing her stomach and smiling. He tried to turn into someone useful for his wife and children. Seeing Gauri he is determined and will do anything and protect her. Now Gauri and their future children have placed extraordinary happiness in their hearts.

He admired Gauri who was sitting smiling alone and muttering like talking to someone. A big smile appeared on his face.

Gauri is called to come to the temple by praying for health, family welfare and smooth labor. Remembering that her labor awaited several weeks, her feelings became restless.

Omkara was never far from Gauri while praying, he made her sit on a chair so as not to be exhausted. But Gauri asked to sit cross-legged and immediately pray fervently. Omkara gives extra attention by giving cushion to Gauri to sit on.

When it's over, Gauri wants to get up. A protective sleeve is ready to keep it from falling or getting hurt. Omkara guides Gauri from behind. What stopped her was the talk of the worshipers present at the temple who were talking about her.

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