When it all started

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Diana's Pov.

It was 1:02 pm in Seoul South Korea, My parents and little brother paid me a visit and stayed with me for two weeks. At last! their flight is booked for today at 2:00 Pm I know it sounds mean, but I got used to living on my own. "Hey mom dad, Before we go to the airport can I take Mickey to a cool place?" I asked them both. "Y-yeah of course just meet us at the airport and don't be late." My dad spoke getting their bags in the trunk of the taxi car. I nodded and grabbed Mickey's hands and went to my car, He got inside and I buckled him up. "Where are we going?" Mickey asked being curious of our location. I started the car and drove to the shop "We're going to go get ice cream and I know the best place to go get some." I smiled looking in the mirror to look at him and then back at the road.

Finn's Pov

"Yo what's up you're acting crazy right now?" I asked Jewel as she was packing her clothes in her bags quickly and breathing heavily as well. "My father had a heart attack in Seattle, M-my mom said he's okay but he wants me over there so I'm going on a flight at 2:00. Jewel says while packing. "Well calm down you said he's okay so don't panic." I said grabbing her shoulders and turned her to look at me. She rolled her eyes and moved my shoulders turning back to her bag. "He's my father so I have to worry, Help me pack and drive me to to the airport please. She says while putting clothes in her bag. "You thought I was gonna watch you pack and do nothing?" I chuckled grabbing her belongings. "Just help already!"

Nini's Pov

Nini we have a surprise guest who came to see you." I rolled my eyes hearing my manager said it might be one of my fans who faked being a family member of mine and my manager let them in everytime.  C'mon Nini calm down, fake a smile and make this fan happy. I put on the fake signature smile that everyone loves and turned around to face the fan only to have my smile dropped. "What the fuck?"
I stared at my ten year old little sister in shocked to see her over here in my room, In Seoul when she and my parents live in New Zealand and I don't see them anywhere. "I'll let you two chat" My manager says walk towards the door feeling the atmosphere getting tense, I watched her leave out the door and looked back at my sister when the door closed. "Why in the world would you fly all the way here and without mom and dad?!" I asked seeing her pouting a little.... Silence filled  the room for about a minute or two until  she finally spoke. "I-I wanted to come with mom and dad I really did but they said not yet because you're busy so I snuck out and snuck on a flight to come see my sister." Alice replied back to me looking down at her feet and playing with her fingers. I sighed running a hand threw my hair being frustrated about the situation, I came to Seoul to pursue my dream not to babysit..again. "You are going back now and if not by airport my private helicopter is taking you." I said going to get my face mask and sunglasses. "You wait here until I come get you." I look at Alice seeing her nodding but avoiding my eyes. I walk out of the room to go ask my manager something.

No one's Pov.

1:49 P.m.

Diana and Mickey finally arrived at the airport's parking lot which was filled with cars but she managed to find a spot. "We're finally here Mickey, Did you finish your ice cream?" Diana smiled looking back at her little brother who was wiping ice cream cone crumbs off his face. Diana gets out of the car to get Mickey out of the back seat, she unbuckled Mickey and helped him out of the car and held his hand. They made their way inside the airport building. Diana looked around the place trying to find her parents out of the crowd of people walking pass her, she finally spotted her dad waving her and Mickey over to where they were. Diana smiled and leads Mickey to the direction where their parents are but a womans scream filled the room.

2:00 p.m

Everyone looked towards the area seeing the woman who screamed and a younger looking woman on the ground twitching like crazy with her eyes rolling back and she started foaming at the mouth. A Security officer move some people away from the since they were circled around the twitching woman where he couldn't get by without moving them. Once he got by the crowd, the twitching womans body suddenly stopped. He kneeled down and reached out to check the womans pulse. Suddenly the womans eyes opened up and pounced at the Security officer's neck, His screaming filled the building as everyone was watching in shock. Diana held a tight grip on Mickeys hand hearing the man screaming loudly and seeing some people backing away from the scene, after the women let go of the security officer she went right after the first person in front of her and did the same thing. People started running away from there and so did Diana, she quickly picked up Mickey and ran away after seeing that. She heard a monster like roar directly behind her which made her hold Mickey tighter than before. She rushed to an not so crowded hallway and ran to an janitors closet seeing if it was locked or not. To her surprise someone opened it up and dragged her inside the closet and quickly shut it. Finn locked the closet and looked at Diana who laid on the floor holding a crying Mickey in her her arms. "Are you okay? Were you bitten?" Finn kneeled down looking at Diana. Diana tried to calm Mickey and herself down before she looked at the stranger in front of her. "N-No.. and thank you." Diana said breathing heavily. "D-Diana Barnes is that you?" Nini asked her. "Nini Lee?" Diana asked back recognizing the voice that said her name, It was her famous ex girlfriend who called out to her.

"Fuck me"

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