Chapter 13: To Hogwarts

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After a considerable amount of eventful events, it was finally time for Hadrian and Draco to attend Hogwarts. All of their luggage had been transported to the station by the house-elves and they were having their final breakfast at the Manor. It would be a long time before they could eat here again. During the meal, the adults gave them their advices:

- Study well, children. - Narcissa said, - The subjects you are taking are very important to you. Although both of you had read through all of them, you must not be distracted. There are still many things that you don't know.

- Remember, if you have any problems, just go to me. - Severus said. - I will readily help you.

- And don't forget, you can always floo me if anyone gets in your nerves. - Lucius laughed, and immediately yelped in pain when Narcissa slapped him in the back.

- Don't be a bad example to the kids, Luc. You are not a child.

Hadrian laughed merrily. He had never been this happy before, all he had ever felt was humiliation when he was called "freak", "pipsqueak", or whatever name they could think of. Not to mention pain, physically and mentally. Those relatives of his had hurt him, a lot, but he tried not to think of those bad memories when he was having such a great time with people who truly cared for him. He sighed contentedly, oh how he loved his family. Yes, he had considered Severus and the Malfoys his family for quite some time. They treated him like family, so it was fair to treat them the same. He didn't mind, really. Could somebody mind when he was surrounded in love and care? I didn't think so.

After they finished breakfast, Narcissa gave the boys a hug:

- Safe travels, my dears. And don't get into trouble.

- We won't, mother. - Draco answered, but Hadrian wasn't sure if the blonde would keep his promise.

- Come now, we will apparate you to the station. - Severus said quietly while taking hold of Hadrian. - Don't worry, the feeling will go away soon enough.

Hadrian nodded his head and tightened his grip on Severus' arm. The man securely wrapped his hands around the boy's shoulders and they disappeared with a snap.


The sensation of being pulled and squeezed was still there, but Hadrian had apparated once, so it wasn't that bad anymore, although he still felt a little light-headed. He stumbled a bit after they arrived at the station, head spinning like a spinning wheel. Luckily, he didn't want to throw up like last time.

- Are you alright, Hadrian? - Severus asked, his hand rubbing gently on the boy's stomach. They had apparated to a dark corner of the station, so they were not in the spotlight. "Lucky me", thought Severus sarcastically. He wouldn't dare to imagine Potter or Weasley catching him being this close to a "Potter". They had agreed to cast a powerful glamour spell on Hadrian so he would look like "Harry Potter". They didn't want to risk blowing Severus' cover. What a shame, he would love to see their reactions upon seeing Hadrian's appearance.

Hadrian shook his head:

- Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy.

- Do you want something to ease it down? - Severus asked.

- That would be marvelous.

Severus pulled out a chocolate bar from his cloak:

- Eat this.

Hadrian carefully eyed the bar as he ripped the covers. "Dark chocolate and almonds...", he thought, "Must be his favourite sweet." He had never seen Severus keeping any sweets near him, except for this. He took a bite, and immediately felt much better. The bitterness of the chocolate did wonders to his system.

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