Honeymoon Part 2

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(Since chapter 12 was short, I'm making a part 2)


(Previously on Sorry Can't Save Me Now)

Keith: You're welcome. *Starts eating breakfast*

Lance: *Joins in*



(After breakfast)

Keith: So, what do you wanna do first?

Lance: Hmm....*Deep thinking* Oh I know! We could explore Makena on a guided kayak tour, it said on the internet that it would be 3 to 4 hours. 

Keith: Sounds great. *Smiles* I'm so happy that we married. It's like we were meant to be together. *Kisses Lance's cheek*

Lance: Yeah, it is pretty nice to know that. I love you Keith Kogane McClain.

Keith: I love you too Lance McClain Kogane. 

Lance: Now let's go find that tour guide!

Keith: *Laughs* Yeah okay. 


(A few minutes later)

Keith & Lance: *Get into a kayak*

Tour guide: All set?

Keith: Yes we are!

Lance: *Smiles*

Tour guide: Okay. I will lead you to where we are going and you just follow close behind. Tell me if you would like to stop to look at something, take pictures, or anything else necessary.

Lance: You got it!

Tour guide: *Starts paddling* Just follow me.

Keith: It's a good thing I used to kayak a lot..*Starts paddling too*

Lance: I'm glad that I don't need to do anything. I get to take pictures!

Tour guide: *Stops paddling*

Keith: *Goes up next to the tour guide and stops as well*

Tour guide: If you look straight forward, you'll see a Hawaiian Monk Seal.

Lance: So cute! *Takes pictures*

Keith: *Smiles*

Tour: There is a pod of Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins to your right.

Keith: Wow, look at them!

Lance: They're doing tricks! *Takes pictures*

Tour guide if you look to your left, you will see a Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle.

Keith: Awe so cute! 

Lance: *Takes more pictures*

(Basically that was the whole thing that happened. The tour guide would say where the animal was, Keith would say awe, and Lance would take pictures.)

(About 3 hours later)

Lance: That was amazing!

Keith: I'm so glad that I'm rich because that was expensive..

Lance: I'm glad we went. Now I know all about sea animals here. I have a lot of cute pictures now too.

Keith: *Smiles* As long as you're happy, I'm happy.

Lance: *Smiles back* Same here.


(Around 1:00 pm)

Keith: Lance, do you want to go do something?

Lance: Yeah.

Keith: What did you want to do?

Lance: More like who.

Keith: *Blushes* 

Lance: *Laughs* I'm kidding! I just wanted to see you blush!

Keith: You little-Come here! *Tries to grab Lance and succeeds*

Lance: Noooo! *Struggles to be free*

Keith: *Laughs* Ticklish?

Lance: No....

Keith: *Starts tickling Lance* 

Lance: NoOoOoo sTaHp! *Laughing like crazy*

Keith: *Laughs* Thought you said you weren't ticklish? *Keeps tickling Lance*

Lance: *Can't stop laughing* StAhP!

Keith: Okay, I'll stop. *Stops tickling Lance* Only because my hands got tired.

Lance: Thank you. *Smirks* Now, guess who gets it next!

Keith: I'm not ticklish..

Lance: That's what I said, but mine was a lie, so yours must be too! *Starts trying to tickle Keith*

Keith: *Clearly isn't laughing* I told you, I'm not ticklish...

Lance: That's no fair! *Gives up*

Keith: Life isn't fair, yet here we are.

Lance: That's a bit dark don't you think?

Keith: *Puts hand up in peace signs* I'm so emo.

Lance: *Laughs* What the *BEEP*!

Keith: *Laughs* 

Lance: Shoot, it's already 3 o'clock. 

Keith: Well, we have time to spend still before we go somewhere.

Lance: And where's that?

Keith: It's a surprise. *Smirks*

Lance: Oh is it now?

Keith: Yep!

Lance: So, before this something, do you wanna watch a movie and cuddle?

Keith: What we do everyday? Sure.

Lance: *Laughs* I'll make some popcorn.

Keith: I'll put a movie on. *Puts on Shrek*

Lance: What did you pick?

Keith: Shrek.

Lance: *Laughs*

Keith & Lance: Shrek is love, Shrek is life! *Both laugh*


(Almost sunset)

Keith: Okay, time to go.

Lance: Okay!



Lance: A cruise?!

Keith: Yep! I figured since you've never been on a cruise, we should go. I looked some things to do and it said go on a romantic sunset cruise, so here we are!

Lance: *Hugs Keith* You're the best husband anyone could possibly have!

Keith: *A single tear falls* That's so sweet..

Lance: Why are you crying?? *Clearly freaking out*

Keith: Happy tears.


A/N: Thanks for reading!! The next chapter will talk about the cruise and other stuff. Bye!!


Words: 739

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