Down the aisle.

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(Robin's pov)

I sit there panicking. I haven't found my locket. I can't marry barney. Ahhhhhhh this the worst thing that I ever could imagine happening to me. Wait a sec I could be mauled by a bull or barney could get shot... what the hell robin tell lily that you need to talk to ted he always helps you and gives you advice right. Ted he is awesome and kind.... snap out of it RJ you love barney does ted know tha, he has kinda been distant. Ok get lily to summon ted. Robin stop thinking about ted for once. Lily walks in.
"You ok robin"
"Get ted for me"
"Ok"lily says getting ted. Ted walks in
"I can't go through with this wedding. Last year, when you helped Victoria escape this church, how hard was it to climb down that"i say panicking
"Extremely hard."ted says
"Wait, wait. Stop, stop. What the hell are you doing" ted says
"I just I can't go through with this!"
"No, no. Sorry. I refuse to be a part of a third runaway bride situation. It's like the dude in that documentary who kept having women show up dead at the bottom of his staircase. Sure, maybe they all tripped, but it's like, do you want to hang out with that guy?"
"God, you're gonna think I'm insane, but I still think that it's a bad sign I never found that locket. Some part of me thought that Barney would magically find it"i say through my tears
"I know"
"know that's unfair of me to expect that, but you know, I want to be with a guy who comes through for me, you know? The guy who, somehow, against all odds, finds my locket
"Okay,just, um just calm down, stay put. Uh, I'm-I'm gonna go get you some water, okay" ted says going to barneys room.

(Ted's pov)

I walk to barney's room as I knock on the door I feel around for the locket l.
"I'm-I'm gonna go get you some water, okay? Uh, listen, I have something for you, but before I give it to you, I just want to make sure you're okay"i say
"was freaking out a little earlier, but Lily and Marshall calmed me down"barney says
"Good, good. So, Robin's a little nervous"
Barney jumped out his seat "Nervous? Why is she nervous? I'm not nervous! Who's nervous?! No one needs to be nervous! Cornflower blue, Ted. Cornflower blue"he says pulling my tie
"First off, kudos to Marshall and Lily for calming you down and second do you remember Robin's locket" I ask
"Yeah, of course. She never found it"
I pull the locket from my pocket barney looked shocked from far I could tell I guess there is no turning back.
"Whoa. How did you?"
"I never told you about it because I was afraid you'd take it the wrong way, but I actually wound up tracking it down. It's a long story. I was gonna give it to Robin as a surprise, but she needs it to come from you"i say.
"Ted I don't know"
"Take it please"
"How did you find it I didnt find it"
"You found it"
Barney walked to Robin's room and gave her the locket I thought I was making mistake but she deserved to be happy.

(Robin's pov)

I sit down at my dressing table and smiled barney finally came through for me.

I hear ted knock at the door "Yeah"
"Hey you asked for me"
"Look what barney just gave me"i say holding up the locket"
"No way! See? Barney came through. There's your sign. You're good to go"
"here'd you find the locket, Ted? Where did you find the locket?"
"Me? Why-why are you asking me? Barney found it. Ask him"
"Barney wouldn't tell me how he found it, which made me realize it had to be you"
"Okay I will embarrass him Your fiancé got a metal detector and scoured a 10,000-square-foot grid around that carousel. Guess where he found it In a nest of a moma pigeon. He had to wrestle it of some baby birds but this is where the story gets bittersweet"
"I Barney said it was in Marshall and Lily's basement but do you want to finish your pigeon story"
"The mama mama pigeon gets killed by a cab. Barney still goes back to the park every day to feed the babies the end"
"Tell me the truth"
"Ok I tracked it down its know big deal"
"How did you find it"
"does anybody find anything? You hear it might be in your race car pencil box. It's not there. So you swing by your ex-fiancée's storage locker on the opposite coast. It's not there you learn Victoria has it in Germany, but Jeanette intercepts it, throws it in Central Park Lake. It's a nice day for a swim, so what the heck? You dive in, scoop it up, make it home in time for Jeopardy! Ease to the pease. Happy wedding"

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