^^^^ The picture above is Rumpelstiltskin from Once Upon A Time (you NEED to watch it!!). To picture Kâru, just think of a girly image of him.
Hello! Kitty here! I don't know who deleted this or what, but we WILL stay strong. *fist bumps everyone in the Fellowship except for the deleter (which I do not know who is.)*
Yes, it's me, the legendary Kâru, sister of the Dark One. I have thick crusty brown skin, like someone grabbed honey straight out of a bee's nest and some fresh dirt and smeared it over my face, then left me to dry. Not die. Dry.
My hair is thin and wavy, like my brother's, but a bit longer, and black, not brown. Unlike most of the other members of this Fellowship, I am not one of those goody-goodies that does things "for the good of all" (no offense guys, this is just how my character rolls). Nope, I do it for a reason. So why am I joining this fellowship?
None of your business.
I can do a lot of things, such as teleporting, blowing up organisms, turning organisms into different organisms, make things appear out of nowhere, and more-but I do have one weakness. I am almost invincible like my brother, Rumpelstiltskin, who can only be killed with a dagger.
What can I only be killed with?
None of your-fine, I'll tell you.
I can only be killed...
If someone...
Kills Rumple!
Badbye, now! See you at the meeting of Elrond! *runs off to a nearby village* ON YOUR KNEES, PEASANTS!
Kitty again, and since I had to rewrite it, I decided to revise it too! So whaddya think? Good? Bad? Skittles? Sorry, candy on the brain-LAST NIGHT WAS HALLOWEEN!!!! *stuffs candy in face* MSHXHSJJWJSUZUWOQPAKBZBAKANZNJZJEJXHJSJ!!!!!!!