you are sitting ,at home, impatiently, waiting for your boyfriend to come home.
you don't go to work so you just do the housework and look after your two beautiful daughters: shket and shlag (your boyfriend likes exotic names).
you suddenly become tired of waiting and put yourself and your daughters to bed. soon after you doze off, you feel a light breath touching your face and wake up to shrek (your boyfriend) staring right at you. for some reason he has no shirt on and you look down and realise he has no pants on either, then you realise that he is a male prostitute and the thought of him with no clothes on fires you up inside.
before you could do anything saucy, he backwards rolly-pollys off the bed and jumps into his dressing gown and says 'mayk mee dinnur, betch' and you refuse. he then gets into the crab and walks back onto the bed. you could see the rage in his eyes. before you could say anything, he engulfs you whole and you die.
i thought this was funny, lmao.
i only did shrEk too piss my friends off.