Ch 5 Phantom Image

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Y/n pov

As we finally out of that place and back in Phantomhive

I was in my cat form hiding in Ciel's study looking at the terrified servants

"So Young Master. You wanted to speak with us about something?" Mey-Rin asked

Bardroy and Finnian were sweating in fear.

"Yes, I have a little job for the three of you to take care of" Master Ciel replied .

They hugged each other in relief, telling each other how they all feared the worst but were glad they were wrong.

Master Ciel pulled out a camera and continued the tasks to his mortal servants. "This is a camera from the famous Talbert Collection. It has a story behind it. It had been missing from the collection altogether for some time, when it suddenly came up for auction I bid it immediately." Master Ciel said.

The servants were clueless about who this Talbert person was, much to their surprise, or not, Tanaka took over and gave them a little history about Talbert.

"Full name: William Henry Fox Talbert. Let's see, he was a redounding scientist and one of the inventors of photographic technology! There have been strange rumors about the lost camera he used, the one our Young Master has acquired, legend has it that if you use this camera to photograph someone, whomever or whatever, that person cares about most in the world will appear in the photograph as well." Tanaka dis-inflated  and the servants were now interested in this camera.

"Does such a camera really exist or is it just a rumor?" Bard ask

"Perhaps we should take a picture and find out." Master Ciel replied.

The master got under the cloth and Mey-Rin Bard  moved to the side. Leaving Finny to be the test subject.

"Don't move. The exposure takes ten seconds." The Master Ciel said removed the lid of the camera that was on the lens and Finny had no choice but pose in a resting military posture.

"Stay still of the image will blur and we don't get a good picture. Eight, nine, ten." Master Ciel said covered the lens of the camera and removed the cloth from his head.

"All done. You didn't have to hold your breath you know?" Master Ciel said

As they left the study and headed into the darkroom.

I follow them.

Finny. He was shocked and pointed out that it was his pet bird, he proceeded to explain why the bird appeared in the photograph as they were heading back to the study.

Finny grabs the bear statue from master desk.

"I gave it food every day, eventually it started eating out of my hand. I was so happy that I wanted to pet it." Finny said broke off from the head of the bear landed with a but thud on the floor.

"My little friend never moved again Finny said.

"Are you saying that he?!" Mey-Rin asked

as well as Bardroy, were shocked that kill his bird.

Then suddenly Tanaka returned to his 'history' lesson remembering that he left out something.

"Oh yes! I forgot to mention that the camera has one other unique attribute, the new soul that will show is not from this world. To put it plainly, the dead appear." Tanaka replied returned to his now normal form once more.

"The dead?" Bardroy asked

"A ghost?!" Mey-Rin asked next.

"You see why I'd be so interested in this camera. Not only does it know who you care for the most but it also reaches into the other world to photograph them." master Ciel said done explained to them.

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