Ch 6 Paul Jones

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Sebastian pov

Y/n and I see our master guest

"Welcome, Sir," I Said as we took a bow.

"Hello, I'm the writer from Brit Business Paul Jones Sir." Mr. Jones replies.

"Indeed Mr. Jones, we've been awaiting your arrival. If you would follow us inside." I Said

He smiled and walked inside.

Y/n  closed the door behind us,

As we made our way up the stairs

Y/n glare at  Ran-Mao, sitting on the railing trying to catch my attention.

But Ignore it as y/n and I continued heading our way up the stairs.

We stop looking over at our guest stop and starred at Ran-Mao.

"Coming Sir?" I Asked

"Oh! Yes of course!" Mr. Jones replies in Embarrassment was written all over his face as he ran up the stair to catch up to us.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. And continue on heading to the meeting room.

Time skip

Sebastian pov

"If I May sir aloud me this is Tanaka Funtom company's general director," I said

"Then I'll start right in on my questions," Mr. Jones said

As he starts asking Tanaka some question and Tanaka answer back each question Mr. Jones asked him.

"Next please tell me about Funtom's business strategy going forward?" Mr. Jones asked

As y/n and I look at Tanaka burning up that's means he is turning back.

"Mr. Jones aloud Sebastian explain," y/n said fake smile at Mr. Jones

"We currently focuses on toys and confections but we plan to go into other areas as well," I Said

Suddenly Tanaka change back to his old self

Mr. Jones was at shock what just happen to Tanaka

I slapped my hands on the table by scary him.

"Now right I was saying sir," I Said

"Y-yes?" Mr. Jones said stuttering

"The company working on plans to build outlets across Europe. First, we'll open branches in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Rome Amsterdam and Athens we plan to expand into thirty countries in the next five years including those in North America" I Said

Seeing Mr. Jones writing everything I said.

"We'll also build a confection factory in Provence in the south of France and a toy factory in Salzburg in Austria. We continue our efforts to provide an ample supply of goods available. We Funtom company always strives to maintain or improve the quality of its brand. We would never sell expired goods or lie about where they were made only products which have passed numerous rigorous quality tests reach the market graced with the name Funtom also our motto is customers first we arrive when called product in hand no matter how remote the location we get perfect products swiftly to our customers that is the Phantomhive way you see!" I said

Looking at Mr. Jones writing quickly on his page

"That's everything," I said smile at him.

"Thank you very much before I go I'd like to get a photo if I may?" Mr. Jones said.

"A photo?" I asked

"I'd like you and this beautiful maid here in the shot too" Mr. Jones replies.

She giggles

I glare at him saying that about my mate.

"I'm afraid we must decline. You see we merely one hell of a butler and maid. Tanaka will take you now" I said

He sighs and left with Tanaka

As for us went to master study.

Y/n pov

"Y/n," Sebastian said

I nod and Placing demon Hound bean cakes and his tea in front of the master.

"Today we serving demon Hound bean cakes made in Houndsworth" Sebastian Said

"Why are you feeding me this rubbish?" Master asked us as took a bite of it.

"Baldo and the others appear to have purchased quite a number of them," I Said

"How did the interview go afternoon?" Master asked us once again.

Sebastian turns to speak

"I wish you should have been there my lord Tanaka's brilliant performance as company president" Sebastian replies.

"That's good," Master said

"Yes before Mr. Jones left he also wanted a photograph of us" Sebastian Said.

"Did he?" Master asked.

"Portrait photo have been all the rage noble lately"
Sebastian replies.

"Are they" Master said not looking at us

"We know master why not try to handle it yourself?" Sebastian asked.

"No" Master replied

We look at each other and smirking at the master reaction

"You both can leave now," master said

"Of course master" we replied walking out his study.

Ciel Pov

I look out of my window Finally dark out

"It almost time let's go," I Said looking at Finny

Time skip

Ciel Pov

I stood in the middle of the woods and my back towards Finny and eyes closed.

"You sure this is okay?" Finny's voice was filled with worry and anxiety.

"Yes," I replied

"I don't know.," Finny said

"DO IT FINNY!!" I shouted at him.

"Right," Finny said throwing the angle status in min-air as I waited for them.

"LOOK OUT SIR!" Finny shouted running to me.

I closed my eyes waiting for what happened next.

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