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[14:59] by jjang-yeeunie on tumblr

Sua turned the corner and saw you and Siyeon talking animatedly about something. She watched for a second and heard Siyeon say, "You really should tell Bora that you have a crush on her. I'm sure she would be happy."

You opened your mouth to argue but a shout interrupted you, making your eyes go wide as saucers.

"You have a crush on me?!"

"Oh no," Siyeon said as your eyes met with Sua's and without thinking for even a second, you ran away.

Sua gasped a 'wait' and ran after you. Of course, she was fast enough to catch up in no time and you thought your best chance to escape was if you could run into your room and close the door before she would get too close.

"Not so fast," she said, catching your hand and turning around so when the door closed, you got trapped in between it and her body, her arms on both sides of your head, blocking you from escaping anymore.

"Shit," you cursed, keeping your gaze down, fixated on the floor.

"So," Sua gasped, a little tired from the running, "do you really have a crush on me?"

"Maybe..."you said, still avoiding to look at her directly. She smiled.

"Then would you mind if I kissed you?"

"Wha-?!" you looked up at face and saw it closer to your own than you had expected it and took a sharp breath in as her lips met yours. 

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