persistent | siyeon

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persistent by gardentulips on tumblr

Siyeon is persistent. Being her roommate, you have learned a while ago not to argue with her over silly things, to allow her to have her way, and most of all, to just give in to her pouty faces and cute whiny whimpers of 'please' when you just aren't having it. She is persistent, that much is true, and there is no way around the matter when she was set in her ways.

Especially not when she comes home to your shared apartment one day thirty minutes early, sounds of a running shower and bass echoing from the bathroom to put a smile on her face. As she nears, a soft humming fills her ears, causing her grin to grow while tiptoeing toward the source of the noises.

She rests her sights on your outline hidden behind frosted glass just as your voice fills the bathroom to complement the steam and fog, causing her eyes to grow wide when you hit the high notes in one of your favorite songs. She bites her lip to keep from giggling, taking in your melodies mixing with the song that causes her heart to flutter while she listens.

Resting against the door frame, she crosses her arms, waiting on the moment when the song finally comes to an end as you reach to turn the faucet to the left, shutting the water off before sliding the glass door to the right to become surprised with a shriek when you finally notice her watching.

"Jesus Christ!" You clutch your chest in shock, watching her finally release her stifled giggles just as she reaches for your towel resting against the sink, being generous enough to hand it to you for you to quickly cover yourself from the cold.

"Don't be shy now. Sing louder!" Her laughter fills the small, steamy bathroom while you wrap the fluffy towel around your body, rolling your eyes and hoping she didn't notice the way your expression darkened from embarrassment because you were giving that shower solo your everything. "Don't be modest. Not like it's the first time I've seen you naked... believe me."

It wasn't your bareness that has your skin burning hot. Living with your best friend proved you don't have much to hide from one another. "How long have you been standing there?" You step out of the shower and grab your phone resting against the sink to silence the music playing before shooing her out of your way and heading toward your bedroom, still dripping small droplets over the floor. "You're home early."

"I got done with practice early." The sound of her voice nearing tells you she is following. "And I was there long enough to hear your impressive falsetto. Wow..."

"Siyeon..." You try to hush her while rummaging through drawers, frantically searching for clothes to dress yourself and wishing the ground would open up to swallow you whole.

"I have never heard you sing like that before!"


"I mean," she begins, taking it upon herself to have a seat on your bed, eyes shifting toward the ceiling as her back hit the sheets, "we always joke and play around singing karaoke or in the car, but that..."

"Stop." You shake your head the entire time you dress yourself, eyes shutting tight as you pulled your t-shirt over your head, wanting to disappear from her compliments because it's not something your used to when it comes to matters of singing.

"...that was so beautiful!"

"Ew, stop." You can't help but to chuckle shyly, watching her stand from the bed because there is no way she would let you speak badly of your newfound talent. Well, her newfound realization of the talent you possess, and you just know she won't let you hear the end of it.

"No, no 'ew'. You're great!" She steps closer, placing her hands on your shoulders, allowing you to look into her eyes and realize she means every word she speaks. "And I'm pissed off you never sing like that around me." Her grin tells you she is only teasing, but you can't help but to become overwhelmed with insecurity.

"Why would I? You're the queen of vocals." You roll your eyes just as playfully before turning to exit your bedroom, hearing her bare feet shuffle across wooden floors behind you. "If I wanted to embarrass myself, I would have just walked out of the apartment nude or something. No need to humiliate myself by singing in front of someone as talented as you."

"Oh please," she huffs, a fist gripping the back of your t-shirt halting your attempt at making your way to the kitchen, and instead stopping just before the archway, "don't be like that. I won't tolerate you talking about yourself like that! You should come to practice with me tomorrow!"

"Hm, no, don't think so." Your attempts at shuffling away fail when her arms wrapped around your torso, holding you in place.

"Please," she whines, chin on your shoulder and a pout on her lips. "We'll sound so good together. It will be so fun to sing with you!"

"I don't think so," you persist, even though you already know you will be there with her tomorrow. She wouldn't have it any other way, as history proved time and time again.


"You're really annoying when you beg, you know that?"

"Yes," she giggles, fully aware but it's clear she doesn't care when it's something she wants and it's something concerning you, "but it's why you love me."

"That's debatable."

Siyeon snuggles closer at your words, breath against your neck as she whimpered a few more pleas. "Will you come?"

Sighing, you realize defeat has come quickly, finally nodding your head as she releases you from her grip to clap and squeal in delight behind you. "You're so damn persistent." With a pout on your lips, you turn to face her, noticing her eyes light up with joy, and you know you could never turn her down, no matter how annoying her persistence can get.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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