🍀New oc's!🍀

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This is just two OC's I'm workin on uwu

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This is just two OC's I'm workin on uwu

Girl in the back:
Name - Lucy
Age - 10
Favorite colour - turquoise and pink
-Summer even tho she's basicly allergic to everythin regarding nature and get sunburned very very easily.
Ice cream and gummy bears
-Mice and squirrels
-Writing in her 1000 diaries lol
-most fish
-Having messy hair

She's kindoff based off of younger me lol

Girl in front:
Name - Emily
Age - 11
Favourite colour - yellow and blue
- Hotdogs
- Animals
- Scary stories
- Scaring and bullying little kids
- Older kids
- Her parents bcause they abuse her
- Teachers or the camp counsellors
- Homework and school
- When Lucy trys calming her down
-sleep basically

I don't like this drawin as much but eeeeeeeeh i still kinda like it lmao

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