If you died

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Here I am laying in my bed. I haven't said a word to my mom and I haven't eaten a thing since Lydia went.

My mom is probably thinking that I'm better of at Eichen. My room Door busted open and I saw Brett standing there with a sandwich box and some drinks.

"You have to eat, come on Ariel." He sighed and he sat down on my bed. "I'm not hungry." I told him and he opened the sandwich box.

"You haven't eaten for the past two days. You have to eat Ariel. Everyone's worried about you."

"Everyone's fine except from my sister. Shes locked in hell and I need to get her out." I stood up grabbing my some clothes out.

"Not before you eat." He grabbed me sitting me back down. "No I need to get her out." I tried standing back up but he placed me back down.

"That's it I'm calling Stiles. Your gonna go visit her." He grabbed my phone failing his number and he held the phone to his ear.

"Eat." He demanded and I groaned taking the cheese sandwich stuffing it in my mouth. I didn't know how much I missed it.

I got out the first thing I found in my closet and I put my clothes on spraying deodorant all over me.

"Your not coming. You do realise that." I walked closer to him and he grabbed my closer to him.

"I know, you don't have to give me the whole speech." He rolled his eyes. "How do you do it? I mean if it was Lori I would probably be dying right now and your so much more close with Lydia." He furrowed his eyes.

"I have you. Your telling me not to give up on anything. Your the one who's letting me hang on to that last part of me." I looked in his icy blue eyes and I felt him gaze into my deep blue ones.

"What would happen if I died?" He asked and I sighed. "I would completely fall apart. There would be nothing left of me. I don't know what I would do without you." I sighed laying my head on his chest.

"What about me? What would happen if I died?" I asked and he looked up not looking down at me. "If you ever died, I would go insane." He whispered in my ear and I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Can we not talk about such a depressing topic. Seriously we should start writing our will." I smiled and he chuckled.

"I might start thinking about it." He smirked and he pulled me back into our kiss.

I heard the door click open and I saw Stiles standing there. "You ready?" He asked and he widened his eyes.

"Yeah, let's go." I cleared my throat walking next to him and Stiles walked to Brett and Stiles had to look up just to talk to him.

"If you ever break her heart... again, I will hunt you down and force wolfsbane down your mouth." Stiles threatened and I couldn't help but grin.

Yep that's the absolutely defenceless idiotic so called over protective brother that I have. "He does know I'm a wearwolf, right?" Brett turned his head to me smirking and I bit my lip.

"Let's go, now." Stiles dragged me into his baby blue Jeep. "You got the jeep fixed?" I asked and he shook his head.

"We're gonna die in this piece of crap aren't we?" I groaned.

"Hey it may be crap but it has gone through rough times with me." Stiles sat and started up his car.


Me and Stiles both sat down and we looked at Lydia lying still in her bed. I hated to see her like this. Stiles slowly stroked her hand.

"Your teachers have been giving us some of the stuff you guys have been working on, they wanted us to hold onto it for you." Stiles sat there still rubbing her hand and I sighed.

"I saw something about the realm hypothesis and the zeta functions and a lot of other stuff that goes totally over my head." Stiles sighed.

"Maybe you can explain it to me. Come on Lydia you have to come back to us. There's no way were getting through this without you." Stiles mumbled and I let a tear slip out.

"Lydia, I love you okay. It's me, it's your little sister. You got me out of the biggest obstacles in my life. I'm gonna get you out of this." I reached my hand out touching hers and I immediately gasped.

I looked around to see Lydia standing there. "Lydia?" She turned around and she smiled and I ran to her as she wrapped her arms around me.

"You have to wake up. We need you, Stiles needs you." I looked in her green eyes.

"I'm gonna wake up okay, when I learn a better way." She smiled and u cocked my head and I saw Meredith standing there.

"She's okay, she's with me. She's learning." Meredith assured. "I love you." Lydia said.

I immediately snapped back put and I turned my head to Stiles and he still had his eyes focused on Lydia. "You gotta wake up." He sighed.

"I think that's enough." I heard my mom's voice behind me and I turned my head.

We stayed there for a moment and I sighed. "Stiles, Ariel." My mom folded her arms and we stood up until Stiles stopped me.

"Wait a sec what is this?" Stiles moved her hair and I saw a small bald patch on her head.

"What are they doing?" I asked. "All right you need to go, both of you." My stepped closer.

"I'm her sister. You think I'm gonna go!" I yelled. "Look they shaved her head. Did you know about this? What are they gonna do drill a hole in her head?" Stiles raised his voice to.

"Are you crazy it's for ECT . Electroconclusive therapy. They shave small portions of her scalp. They do it under Anastasia and it's perfectly safe. Look at her Stiles that's my daughter." Mom explained and I folded my arms.

"And my sister." I added. "That's not what it is." Stiles denied. "Is everything alright in here?" A middle aged women who I presume works here asked.

"It's fine our guests here are leaving. Stiles Ariel go. Or your not coming back." My told us and I raised my eye at her.

"You call me a guest! I'm her sister. Maybe you should be here instead of her!" I yelled and I dragged Stiles arm leaving.

We saw two workers coming past us and we walked past them slightly shoving them and I quickly grabbed his badge.

I slipped it in my pocket and I smirked leaving. "You got it?" Stiles asked and I took out the card.

"We're getting her out." We walked of.

Thankyou for 1.1k readers. I love you guys so much. Every vote is always inspiring me to write for you guys. 💜💜💜💜

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