Chapter XVII (END)

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(A/N: This song has inspired me in the strangest way when I was writing this ending. The vibe is both similar and contrasting)

Was it the first time Sangwoo had locked her up in the basement? Of course not. However, this time something inside her snapped. Whether it be due to the stress and anxiety she was experiencing on a daily basis, his most recent threat or the humiliation she had to go through, (Name) decided to make an attempt to escape. After what the man said to her, she was no longer afraid of the consequences. She finally realized that no matter what she'd do nor how obedient she'd be, she would never be safe with Sangwoo.

A small part of her still wanted to believe that he loved her, but fortunately it was overpowered by rational thinking. If she wanted to make it, she had to act fast. After hearing a small beep that came when Sangwoo left and closed the front door, she quickly turned on the lights in the dreadful room. She started going through cabinets in which she saw Sangwoo store his tools. When she checked the trap door, she noticed the hinges being in not the best condition. They were a bit rusty and some of the screws were loose. They seemed easy to remove, so (Name) quickly got to work. With a right screwdriver she managed to remove all the screws.

She carefully lifted the trap door and looked around through the crack. The house was dark and eerily quite. There was some light from the street lamps coming through the windows. She slowly climbed the stairs and looked around the room. There were two ways she could escape, through the front door or one of the windows. The first option seemed easier, but after a moment of consideration she decided it'd be safer to exit through the window. She might have been overthinking, but Sangwoo might have gotten a notification when the doors opened. She chose a window in the back of the house, so that once he arrived it'd take him longer to notice that it was open.

She opened the window and was immediately hit by cold air. After all it was already winter. (Name) looked behind her one last time. It seemed both terrifying and surreal to finally leave this damn place. Maybe it was all a dream? Or maybe Sangwoo had eventually killed her and it was her soul finally set free. She didn't really care anymore. After a deep breath she jumped out of the window and landed on hard, frozen ground.

(Name) was finally outside, on her own. She carefully sneaked to the front gate. Even the street was dead quiet. She looked around the nearby houses, there weren't any lights burning. They were either uninhabited or their inhabitants were asleep. She decided it'd be foolish to go around knocking at the door and hoping someone would open and help her. Instead, she decided to go down the street and maybe she'd be able to recognize the neighborhood.


Sangwoo parked the car and opened passenger door for his "date". Ha-yoon kept clinging to him the entire night in the club, so it was no wonder she agreed to come over. She hugged him from behind when he was putting in the code to open the front door. They entered the house and Sangwoo was about to kiss her when he suddenly realized that something was wrong. It shouldn't be this cold indoors, especially since he left the heaters on. Ha-yoon looked at him confused as he was running around frantically checking the windows. Finally he found the one that was opened. Could he left it that way after airing out the house to get rid of the smoke? That didn't make any sense, so the only thing left to check was the basement.

"Wait for me in the living room, honey. I'll be right back", he asked the girl and headed to the basement. He soon realized there was no need to even go down the stairs. The trap door were broken and that could mean only one thing - (Name) had escaped.

Sangwoo felt the blood freeze in his veins. If (Name) managed to get to the police station, this would be his end. He could try to run away, but the chances of success were very low. There was only one alternative - he must find (Name)! She couldn't be too far.

"Sangwoo?", he heard Ha-yoon calling him from the living room.

He tried to calm down and went to face the girl. "I'm afraid I've been robbed", he saw how astonishment quickly appeared on her pretty face. However, she didn't move from her spot. That was enough for him to snap. "Are you deaf? Get the fuck out of my house", he hissed and the girl jumped out of her seat and ran out of the house. He followed right behind her, quickly shutting the door and getting into the car. He quickly started the engine and drove down the street, way over the street limit.


After walking for half an hour, (Name) finally saw some signs of human presence. There was a convenience store still open on the other side of the street. She saw a clerk bored out of his mind, staring at his phone. At last (Name) felt relief. She finally felt safe.
She was in the middle of the street when suddenly she heard tires squeal and saw a car. She felt like a deer in the headlights (of love).
In the second that seemed to pass before (Name) heard the brakes screech and the car hit her, somehow she managed to see the driver. Sangwoo had a look of utter terror on his face.
"That's strange. Wouldn't he find it convenient to kill me? But he seems so scared... Is it possible that he loves? Can someone like him feel love? ", (Name) thought before the car hit her and once again, everything went black.

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