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      Ahhhhh...my first request. This one goes to @puppy_are_cute . Hope ya like it! Btw, Ed, Al, and Winry are in Rush Valley at Paninya's. There is also a little bit of profanity...Just a little note. >:> Enjoy!

   Ed didn't like this.

It all started with Winry getting too friendly with a guy in Rush Valley. A tall boy, about 17, named Orion. He had frequent visits due to his 'automail malfunctions'.Caramel brown hair, subtle hazel eyes, sun kissed skin..and his face was oh-so punchable. Ed could just knock him righ-


Winry called, snapping the blonde out of his fantasy. Ed slumped in his chair, unconsciously fiddling with the hem of his pants.

"Orion's coming over today. Says he wants me to take a look at his automail. He has the latest version! It's awesome! He's really outdo-" The girl chimed, squealing. Winry was cut off by Ed's grumble of annoyance.

"Orion, Orion, Orion. That's all I've been hearing for the past three days. You seem really...close to this guy." Edward narrowed his eyes. Yep..he was jealous.

Edward had always had feelings for Winry, even when she would bonk him on the head with her wrench. She was sweet, and had always cared for him. He couldn't help but get lost in her cobalt eyes whenever he looked at her.

Orion wouldn't stand a chance, and Ed would prove that.


"Thanks, Winry. My automail feels like new! All thanks to you and that smart mind of yours," Orion winked, hazel eyes twinkling. He sat down, mechanical arm resting on the oil-stained table, tools and hardware scattered around it. Meanwhile, Ed was watching the two like a hawk, Al standing by his side.

"Brother, I know you're.. fond of Winry, but shouldn't you let her be? She's not hugging or trying to flirt with him or anything, so what's the problem?" Al whispered, leaning towards the elder. His armor clanked as he leaned over, making Ed turn his gaze to the boy.

"...he could be a homunculus for all we know." Ed furrowed his brows, watching the two laugh and chat amongst themselves.

Al sighed. "Brother, you're impossible."

Ed sighed. The sky was now dark, stars twinkling brightly, at which the Elric brother watched through the window. The sound of voices could be heard from the porch, those of who belonged to a Winry and Orion. They seemed to be chatting about automail. 'Typical Winry,' Ed thought.

Suddenly, the sound of Winry's gasp rang throughout Ed's ears, making the boy jump to his feet and scramble to the porch.

His blood ran cold at the sight.

Orion was kissing Winry.

Edward gulped thickly, knees feeling weak, stomach queasy. An uneasy sensation settled deep in the pit of his stomach. He felt like hurling at the sight.

"Winry, you don't know how much you mean to me.." Orion pulled away, tucking the girl's chin between his index finger and thumb. Winry's pretty, azure eyes were wide and confused as she pushed him away. Orion stumbled back, puzzled. Winry sped off into the house, lip trembling...she was about to cry.

"W-what...?" Ed choked out. Orion's head snapped towards him. "Orion? What the hell?" Edward's voice had finally come back to life, the elder stomping towards him. "You made her cry, you dumbass!"

Orion remained silent, lips pressed into a thin line, cheeks tinted a slight pink. "You shouldn't be talking, shorty, I've seen how you upset Winry by jacking up your automail every time you see her." Orion responded in annoyance, huffing. 

"I'M NOT SHORT!" Ed growled loudly. And with that, he ran off, searching for Winry.

Orion's brows knitted together. "Alright, Edward. I'll win Winry over from your lonely and short ass. You'll see. Just you wait." He smirked.

                          TO BE CONTINUED



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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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