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Killian's POV:

It's very difficult to try and sleep when you're hard. Last night, I barely slept for an hour.

Everyone is getting up and eating breakfast and I'm sitting alone, staring into space, with my untouched breakfast in my lap. I feel eyes on me and a few mutterings. I knew Emma didn't want to come talk to me, she was told to. She sits next to me. "Why are you sitting alone?" she asks with a bored tone. I stay silent, finally taking a bite of my food, which happened to be bird, avoiding conversation.

"It looks like something's on your mind," she states, "You wanna talk about it?" "I..." I try to say after I swallow, "I think... I think I like someone that I hate." I keep trying to take my mind off of it by eating. I want to bloody die.

"Any details?" she asks. I give her a face that indicates that I don't want to answer. "Fine," she sighs, "I'm here if you need to talk." She stands and pats my shoulder with a smile and she walks back towards the rest of them.

I'm alone to my thoughts for a moment until Mr. Charming comes over to me next. "I told her I didn't want to bloody talk about it!" I raise my voice a little. He sits next to me anyway and says, "Well I thought you liked Emma." I sigh, "I do." "But?" he asks. "But someone is distracting me and they're doing it on purpose," I say frustrated, "And don't ask who it is," I sigh again, "I'm not in the mood." "Alright," he says, "Well why don't you tell me how this happened?" he asks generously. "You really should worry about yourself, mate," I say, pointing to the wound under his shirt. He only smiles smugly, "This conversation really bothers you, doesn't it?" I look away from him clenching my jaw. He laughs softly, "Fine, I'll leave you be." He walks back to them as well.

I really don't know what to think. My brain only conjures up images of him when it used to be Emma. I know that is exactly what he wants and I know I shouldn't fall into his trap. But my body can't help itself. He's my guilty pleasure.

Pan's POV:

My plan was to spread the distrust to Killian's friends from him being with me and later I'd betray him, if he fell for it, and take his heart. Really, it's only a bonus. But now... I think I've become a little attracted to him. Maybe more than a little. There's so many dirty things I want to do with him. It's come to where all I think about is his face, his body, everything. Not only that, but I've noticed that it'll also hurt me if I betray him. He might be a slight addiction. So basically this bonus plan was for nothing and it might screw up my big plan with Henry.

All I know is.. I want Killian and I plan on getting him. And instead of taking his heart, I want to win it.

It's been another day and we "played" again last night and this time I didn't have to restrain him. He didn't tell me to stop one time, he simply pleaded for me not to stop. The new thing, other than kissing on the lips or the neck, was that he did the same to me. I may have stroked him a little bit to please him, but nothing else.

The next day, I finish my daily game with the group. I appear behind Killian in the jungle trails and they walk along. "Killian," I say flirtatiously, giving him the flirty fingers. "Why are you here?" he asks as he turns around. "I figured we'd have a chat," I grin and walk towards him slowly. I stop and grab his face, kissing him. I immediately shove my tongue in his mouth. After a few seconds I let go and back up. He wipes off his lips like he hates it. "How does that equal a chat?!" he nearly yells. "Calm down, grumpy, I just put a spell on your tongue," I say. He stops, altogether, "What?" "I'm going to ask you a question, and you are going to tell me the truth. The spell is temporary," I say. There's a pause as he waits for me to speak more. Finally, I ask, "Do you want me?" I see him trying to bite his tongue, but in vain as he forces out, "Yes."

I feel something in my stomach, making me kinda nauseous. I think society now calls it butterflies. He avoids my gaze, looking everywhere but toward me.

"Killian," I begin, "I want you to know that whatever plan I had for this game we're doing...will not work. You were supposed to want me, yes, but I've also grown to want you, which isn't supposed to happen." He only stares at me as I approach him a little too closely. I put my hand on his chest and slide it down to his stomach. "I want you to be mine and only mine," I continue.

He breathes anxiously, "Are you..saying what I think you're saying?" "I'm saying I care for you in ways that I didn't want to before. I'm saying I like doing those things that we do. I'm saying I'm attracted to you," I confess.

We look at each other's lips before leaning into a hungry kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him as we kiss. And I wrap my arms around his neck. This lasts a few more seconds before we hear multiple shouts of, "Hook?!" We stop kissing and I poof away as he runs towards them.

Killian's POV:

I jog to the direction that they went and bump into them shortly. I pretend to be out of breath. "Where the hell have you been?!" Regina asks. "I got lost," I say. "Lost? But you were right behind us," Emma states. "I got distracted, love," I say trying my best to come up with something. "Distracted by what?" she asks, demanding an answer with that tone of voice. David puts a hand on my shoulder, "Let me talk to the pirate."

He pulls me somewhere out of earshot and whispers, "It was Pan, wasn't it?" I stay silent. I can't think of any lies. "Is he the one pursuing you?" he asks. I shuffle my feet and look down. "Yes," I confess. He places his hands on his hips, disappointed. "Please don't tell me you're falling for it," he says. I shake my head, "I just don't want anyone to find out. This kind of thing is quite embarrassing. He hasn't told me to turn against any of you, but I don't want them to suspect me just because they found out I was with him. I mean no harm." I try to convince him as best I can. "And you expect me to believe that?" he asks, suspecting me. "Swan!" I call. I motion her to come to us. I quickly whisper to David, "Let's get your daughter to use her super power to tell if I'm lying."

"What's going on?" she asks as she approaches us. "Tell me if he's lying," David tells her with crossed arms. "Uh...okay?" she says. I clear my throat, "I've been talking with Pan and he has not tried to convince me to betray any of you. I just don't want anyone to know because I don't want them to think I've betrayed them." She squints her eyes, "What you said is true but not the whole truth. You're hiding one detail." "I've got to hand it to her. She's good," I joke. "Spit it out," they say in unison. I look down, embarrassed, "He has shown an...interest toward me." Emma face-palms. I continue, "He told me that it was part of his plan to get me to pursue him back to betray you, but it had backfired. He said his fake interest in me turned real." "Oh my god," she says in a disappointed tone, "Killian, he could be lying to you. Finding the perfect way to convince you that he's not." I still haven't looked her in the eye. "I know," I whisper.

"Are we gonna do something about this?" David asks. "Killian," Emma says, ignoring her father, "When you see him again, you need to try to get the truth out of him before you jump into anything, okay? If his own little game has turned around on him and will make him leave Henry alone, then that's great, but that's highly unlikely and I can't take that risk." "I understand," I say as I look at her. She gives a small smile before turning around.

"Wait!" I call out to her and she turns around, looking at me, "It would be nice if this stayed between us?" She sighs, "Sure." She turns again, leaving this time along with David.

I exhale. A weight has been lifted off my chest.

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