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Killian's POV:

I'm thinking in the corner inside Granny's alone until I get jumpscared by a voice. "Hey," the voice says making me snap back to reality. I look up and who I see is Henry standing over the table. "Ah, Henry," I say trying to stay cool, "What can I do for ya?"

Henry sits in the seat on the other side of the table saying, "Something's going on with you. You've been isolating yourself ever since we got back from Neverland. And I feel like everyone knows about it but me since I noticed no one else is going to point you out." "You're a smart lad, I'll give you that," I say sighing slightly. "Can you fill me in?" he asks. "Well, I don't see the harm..." I say lowly.

Henry leans in, curious. "Me and Pan have this..... thing," I say nervously. "Thing?" Henry asks tilting his head. I sigh in frustration, "It's hard to explain." "Well if everyone knows and they're not telling me I'll try my best to understand. I'll also try to be less judgmental," he says with a joking smile.

I grin at him then after a brief moment I take a deep breath and say, "I accidentally fell in love with Pan."

Henry stares at me for a good while with his jaw slightly open. He finally asks, "You what?" "You heard that correctly," I respond quickly. He blinks a few times. "Oh," he says. "Yeah," I start, "It was part of his plan to make that happen, but he told me it backfired on him and he fell for me too." "We're talking about the guy who tried to kill me to save himself. How can you be sure?" he asks. I bang on the table once with my fist and hook and say a little too loudly, "I bloody know it, alright?" Henry jumps and looks around to see if anyone noticed. He turns back to me and whispers, "Okay I get it, just keep your voice down."

I retract my arms and he says, "Now I understand why you were at Pan's camp and they wouldn't let me talk to you." "Aye," I sigh, "They want to kill him when he wakes up." I start to pick at my fingernails with my hook. "And lemme guess, you don't wanna allow it," he says. I just look up from my hook to him then back at my hook.

Normally, Pan would've woken up when he and Henry switched back their bodies. But since I got in the way of them hurting Pan, when he wakes up in his own body, they made sure Pan stayed asleep with a spell before swapping their bodies so they can think about what I was saying.

"He's pretending he doesn't have feelings for me and hiding behind his evil facade," I say. Henry nods, "I can see why they don't want to believe you when you say he could like you too because it does seem far fetched. But, hey, Hook, if that's what you believe, I believe it too." "Really?" I ask, looking at him now. He leans back and scratches his chin. "How about..." he thinks, "Operation butterfly?"

A confident smile appears on his face awaiting my response. "You're going to help me?" I ask, surprised. "Why not? You could be right. And if you are, he could be another villain who's changed for the better," he responds holding out his hand for me to shake. I stare at it then look back at his grinning face. I smile and shake his hand, "Operation butterfly it is, then."

Henry is the one that devises the entire scheme. Getting Regina in on it because we need someone with magic to use the fairy wand to wake Pan up; since that was what put him to sleep, and that we also need Gold to stay away from the his shop without him worrying about it as well. I questioned Belle's name and I got a compliment on my cleverness.

So the plan is to get Regina in on it, knowing that Henry is her weakness and he can convince her, make up a good reason for Belle to take Gold on a 24 hour date, and then wake Pan up. Simple. But the hard part is going to be getting Pan to give in to love.

This plan is talked over on Hook's ship so no ears can listen in. Once everything seems to be perfect, the conversation ends with Henry's words, "Operation butterfly is on." I smirk.


I'm sorry...

I'm completely and sincerely sorry. I can't continue this story due to personal reasons. I promise I originally planned to complete this story where everyone is happy and there are no threats. But I can't. I am so, so, SO sorry. I don't want to do this because I hate cliffhangers as much as the next person and I have a genuine love for all my works. But it needs to end. I hope you guys can compromise the way this ended as a real ending. And be so-so happy with how the ending turned out. Or maybe you can plot out how you would want it to end yourself instead of me giving you one. I wish you all well. Thank you. And again, I'm sorry. Goodbye❤️💔

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