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[ the sewers ]

      I sat outside of Eddie's house waiting for Bill, Eddie and Richie to come out

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I sat outside of Eddie's house waiting for Bill, Eddie and Richie to come out. Bill thought it'd be best if I waited outside since, Eddie's mom is weird about who Eddie lets inside their house. Plus, when I was a part of the losers club, Mrs Kaspbrak always creeped me out. As soon as I heard the door open, I stood up.

"Where are you boys off to in such a rush?" I heard Eddie's mom ask from inside.

The boys stood there with the door wide open, with their backs turned to me. Bill stuck out his hand, silently telling me to stay where I was.

"J-j-just my house, my backyard Mrs K" Bill answered. "I got a new.."

"A new croquet set" Richie said, helping cover the fact that Bill was lying. "Geez, spit it out B-B-Bill."

I couldn't hear the rest of what they were saying and I didn't want to risk getting Eddie in trouble. So, I listened to Bill, and just stood there quietly as they continued speaking.

"You want one from me too Mrs K?" I hear Richie tease as Eddie pushed them out the door.

"Sorry mommy" Eddie says and then shuts the door.

"Mommy?" Richie said, dying of laughter.

"Shut the fu-"

"Hey guys" I interrupted. The three of them were now staring at me. Bill had his always kind smile on his face while, the other two just looked confused.

"What is she doing here?" Richie asked.

"I t-told you guy I invited her" Bill answered.

"Yes but you didn't t-tell us she was coming" Richie said, mocking his stutter.

"I thought you were too busy with your theatre friends to hang out with us" Eddie said. "I mean, you were all school year."

Eddie was right. Bill, Richie, Eddie and Stanley had been my best friends for years. We all proudly identified as members of the losers club. Then, my mom decided to sign me up for the Fall play our school was doing.

Rehearsals, started to consume a lot of my time and I decided to stop spending my free time with the losers club. I didn't even try to come up with an excuse, I just stopped talking to them completely. I'm not proud of myself. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would've never let myself become such a horrible friend.

"Look, I know I was a crappy friend. I've realized how self centered I was and I hate it so much, it embarrasses me. But, I want to make it up to you" I said. "I miss hanging out with you guys, and being a part of the losers club. Please, give me a second chance. Or at least, let me come help you find Georgie"

"Of c-course you can" Bill said.

"Yeah." Eddie said, smiling sheepishly. "Besides, we've missed you too."

we're just kids  | bill denbrough  { book one }Where stories live. Discover now