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[ the neibolt house ]

      We arrived at Neibolt, as Bill started walking into the house

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We arrived at Neibolt, as Bill started walking into the house. He was muttering something. Probably, the poem I've heard him recite whenever he's scared.

"Bill!" I called, causing him to turn around. "You can't go in there"

"She's right" Beverly agreed. "This is crazy"

"Look you don't have to come in with me." Bill began. "But what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran, or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it isn't happening like, the rest of this town? Because, I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuff animals, but he isn't. So walking into this house for me, is easier than walking into my own."

"Wow" Richie said as Bill turned his back to us.

"What?" Beverly asked.

"He didn't stutter once"

There was no way I would let Bill go in that house alone. No matter how terrifying it is. I ran up the stairs, placing my hand on Bill's shoulder. He turned and looked me in the eyes.

"You're not doing this alone." I said. Then, I turned to look back at the others. "We're a team. If we want it to end, we have to do this together."

Richie, Eddie, and Ben started to make their way to the stairs. As well as, Beverly and Mike.

"Wait!" Staley called, which made us all come to a hault. "Shouldn't someone keep watch? Just incase something bad happens."

"W-who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked.

Everyone except for Beverly and I raised their hands.
Richie looked around and whispered. "Fuck"

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw" Richie said, as we walked into the house. "You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks."

"Shut up Richie" Eddie said.

Bill, Eddie, Richie, and I were the ones chosen to come inside. The house had a awful, raunchy smell that was impossible to ignore. The more we walked around, the worse it became.

"I can't smell" Eddie said in pure disgust.

"Don't breathe through your mouth" Richie started.

"Why not?" Eddie asked.

"Because, then you're eating it." He answered, which made Eddie gag. We slowly searched about the house.

There were weeds growing from inside the house. Cobwebs seemed to be hanging everywhere, and covering everything. It seemed as if there wasn't a single furniture piece that wasn't broken.

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