"Cancelled?" I asked looking at each of the boys.
"Yeah. We were supposed to perform at the civic center but the construction workers said we couldn't" Harry said. I forgot they were doing construction there.
What are they supposed to do for the 5 months they were staying here?
"Hey!," I said, getting their attention, "my school is putting on a play, and we need a band to play. You guys can if you're interested? We have about $26,000. I think that's enough."
They all thought about it for a bit and then all said yes. "Here, we'll give you both our numbers." Zayn said. Each of the boys wrote down their numbers on a napkin and we did the same. I couldn't believe we were exchanging numbers with One Direction! This was one of the best days of my life.
"I can't believe we got their numbers!" Sammy gushed as we walked into my house.
"I know right?!" I said, grabbing each of us a can of pop. We both sat down on my leather couch and grabbed an X-box controller.
"Should we text them?" she said, not taking her eyes off the enemy on the screen.
"Yea...to tell them about where the school is and stuff.." I said, shooting an enemy. I paused the game and grabbed out my Iphone.
To Niall:
Hey, its me Ava :) the school is on main street. It's not hard to miss..it kinda looks like a big castle :3
From Niall:
k thanks! :D so how ya been?
To Niall:
good :) we're just playing some x-box. Im about to make dinner
From Niall:
sounds cool .. what ya havin? x)
To Niall:
Not sure yet.. oh I gotta go charge my phone, its about to die.. ttyl :)
From Niall
No prob! bye :)
I can't believe I just had a conversation with Niall Horan!
*in french*
"Bonjour, j',apelle Ava. Je suis cinquante ans." I repeated my name and age to the teacher.
"Good job! Bien!" she said, giving me a sticker.
"I hope she realizes we're in grade 10 and don't need stickers." I said to Sammy as I sat down. Sammy was in 3 out of 4 of my classes this semester, which made it less boring.
" I don't care! I love stickers!" she said, running up to get hers.
From Zayn:
hey its Zayn :) erm, we have a problem..could you help us?? :/
To Zayn:
sure! what's wrong?!
"Ava! No cellphones in class. If I see it again I'll have to take it away." oopsie.
"Uh, can I go to the washroom?" I asked, putting my hand up. I needed an excuse.
"Ask in French, si vous plait."
"um ok.. Puis je les a la toilet?" I asked, while slowly walking to the door.
As soon as I got out into the hall I took out my phone.

Performance of a Lifetime
FanfictionAva was a pretty normal girl. She wasn't a snobby, stuck up prep, but she was head of student council. She's left alone for 5 months while her family is in the UK. Home alone for 5 months? Not for long! Soon she meets 5 unexpected guests who change...