Chapter 2: A smart class with smart kids~

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Quick joke (A/N):
     (D/N)-Dad's name
     (L/N)-Last name
    ...Ligma ecks dee this fanfiction may have a prequel if we can finish this book first-
       That is all :)
      By3 By3~🧡


     Oh jeez... (Y/N)'s little head seemed to dart around the students, distressed and not sure where to go. Too many people and not enough space to even move! She then began to back away from everyone entering, which caught the  attention of a certain blue shirted boy she had stumbled into.

    "My word... Get off of  me. You're messing up my shirt."

    "Oh, darn! I'm sorry! I was so overwhelmed that I forgot to look out for where I was going!"

    The now red faced (Y/N) swerved around to look at the British boy she bumped into, and look up to see his face. He was taller, and seemed to have his eyes widen a bit when he was able to recognize her face. With a small smirk, he brushed off his shirt and began to start walking.

  "Say, are you the daughter of Ms. (L/N)? There's a company she runs that works with Applesoft."

  "Yeah... Wait, you seem really familiar.... Is your name Ted? Or Felix?"

"It's Felix, darling.... And yes. We've met during a business meeting between our parents. It's a pleasure to see you again, but now I must go. I have to go to the smart classroom-"

"Oh, oh! Me too! Is it alright if we go together? This new building is kind of confusing to me."

Briefly glancing at me again, he turned his head away, sighing and beginning to walk.

"Fine... just g-grab onto my hand, alright (Y/N)? We're getting a bit separated in this crowd."

"Of course! Thank you so much!"

Happy to have someone who can help her out, she gave him her soft hand and was immediately pulled closer to him, and started to be brought up the stairs. Was she complaining? Not at all! It felt nice to feel protected, and to meet an old friend. Long story short, her mom couldn't leave her at home at the time so she brought the child along, and (Y/N) got to spend the day with Teddy and Felix. Man, how could she have forgotten about that? They were so nice to her that day!

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted as they approached the door to the science lab, and he continued to hold hands with her when walking in. But, he began to grumble under his breath as he saw a certain crying child already there, and taking up the seat next to his. Reluctantly, he sighed and released his hand from hers, and turned around to face the shorter girl, disappointed they could not sit together.

"Well, here we are... I'm afraid that blasted 'Jerome' child is already in the seat next to me. How about you sit next to that 'Monty' kid? I want you to be close to me to some degree, and I know from experience that he is a rather swell business man."

Aw man... (Y/N) really wanted to sit next to her friend... oh well, at least she could make a new one? Smiling, she nodded, and waved goodbye so she could go over to Monty.

"Ah, I guess that can work... bye bye, Felix! I'll talk to you after class!"

"Farewell, (Y/N)... and good tidings to you."

The smile still not gone from her face, she sat down right next to a crippled kid, and took the 'bold' assumption to believe he was Monty.

"Hello there! You are Monty, right? It's lovely to meet you! Felix told me your a good business person!"

    The ginger looked up from the project in front of him, and nodded, ready to introduce himself to the new girl.

     "You're correct on both statements! I'm the one and only, child genius, Monty. So... I'm assuming you're here to buy something?"

       "Hm? Oh, no! I'm here to ask if I can sit with you for the period! And, if possible, I would love to become you friend!"

    (Y/N)'s cheery response seemed to trouble the boy greatly. What was her motive? No one really tries to be Monty's friend unless it's to try and get deals on his prices...

      "Hmm... Did Felix put you up to this? He must've. Tell him this won't sweeten the lunchtime d-"

         "Monty, I don't get why you don't believe me, but really. I want to get to know you! How about this- I can help you with whatever project you're doing, and we can learn more about each other! Is that a good deal?"


      Monty began to think to himself. Extra help WOULD be nice... And maybe she was actually being genuine? After all, anything could happen in this crazy school. So, nodding he turned to her with a small grin, and said the words to seal the deal.

       "I'm in. I'm currently building an add on to my later cannon, so, have any experience in engineering?"

        "A laser cannon? Built totally by you? That's crazy! But, um, if it counts, I... uh... helped my papa once with fixing the oven!... does that count?"

       "It's better than nothing, so I'll take it... now, let's get to work on this thing!"

        The duo spent most of the period working together and handing each other tools. The needed objects ranged from wires to wrenches, and were quickly put to use with the four hands on deck. By the end of the period, it seemed that the laser has bulked up a bit in size, and that every part flowed together like honey, it made the machine look as if it was made by the government. Proud of each other's work, the little smarties turned to each other, and shook hands.

   "Wow, thanks for the help (Y/N)... It's nice to have some help sometimes... Say, how about we start working together on business deals? You can help me, and I can help you; Capiche? All you'll have to do is do the things I can't with my.... disability.... and I can help you if you ever need a favor. Whether it be money or supplies, I'm your guy."

   Pleased by this offer, (Y/N) merrily nodded her head. She could be a business woman like her mom, and could possibly have a new BEST friend! Could this day get any better?

   "I'll gladly accept! After all, that's what friends are for!"

    "Perfect. I won't be available at lunch though, but any other time today, if you need anything, just hit me up, alright? Now, good luck on your first day in this school. Things can get pretty... weird...."

    As soon as (Y/N) was going to ask what he meant by weird, the bell rung, and that meant it was lunchtime. But, wait, isn't Monty having a deal with Felix? Who was she going to sit with? Oh man, guess she'll have to wait until she got to the cafeteria...

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