Chapter Two

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 "Long Live King Luke Chatelain!"

"Peace to Frencolia!"

"God bless King Luke! God bless Frencolia!"

Newly crowned King Luke Chatelain visited every town, village and castle in the kingdom of Frencolia. His senior knight uncle, Sir Dorai, suggested he make these visits as the people were in need of a united display of leadership. 

The five lords of Frencolia and fourteen senior knights accompanied Luke whenever they were able. Lord Farey, the oldest, did not journey to the towns near the farthest borders. 

They traveled every day, changing horses at mid-day, moving on to visit another town in the afternoon, and if possible, a manor house in the evening. Brief though the visits were, Luke obtained a clearer picture of the people and needs in Frencolia.

Jubilant to recognize him, the people were eager to show their acceptance of the new reign. Luke perceived the past oppression and hurt buried beneath the celebrations each village held for his reception. Elliad, as self-proclaimed king of Frencolia, had left a two-year trail of injustice and murder.

A few weeks ago, Sir Dorai had commissioned knights and soldiers to gather and document the evidence against Elliad. Hourly, the gruesome list grew. Added to the murder of Luke's parents, Elliad was responsible for poisoning King Leopold Friedrich —first cousin to Luke's father —and the heir to the throne, Sir Samuel, the king's close friend. 

Chanoine, Luke's home village, was decked out with elaborate floral decorations for the arrival of the boy king. People who had turned against the Chatelains now acclaimed him. 

Luke remembered the plunder of his home. The three Gospel Books his parents died to protect would have burned to ashes, as they had been hidden in the wood-paneled walls of the Manor house. Months of work, copying verses for others to share, were wasted as his home was razed. Standing on the rubble and broken soil that once supported his beloved home, Luke asked for monuments to be raised in memory of his parents. He commissioned the rebuilding of the manor house.

"Never again, in this country, will anyone die for believing in the words of the Gospel Book," he declared. "Louis Chatelain, my father, was a good man, kind and just to all. He wanted God's words to be here for my children, your children, and their children. For this so-called crime, he was murdered. In memory of my parents, I declare that everyone in Frencolia, servant or soldier, young and old, shall learn to read so they can understand God's Book for themselves. Those willing and able will make accurate copies of the Bible volumes for every family to have one. The Scriptures shall be read daily in every town and village square. God's words will make us united and strong."

Luke realized the tremendous work ahead. A king's life was not going to be easy for him. Everywhere he turned, there were decisions to be made. Documents required his signature.

Sir Dorai supported Luke's decisions, advising and informing him when necessary. Luke thanked his uncle, reinforcing his need for mature help and guidance. 

Lord Farey was a great source of counsel and Luke was thrilled with the wisdom and understanding this ancient little man displayed. This white-haired lord suggested that in each village and town a council is set up; knights in charge of these councils were to be called 'Chatelain Knights' who would report directly to King Luke.

Days were filled, interviewing, appointing and commissioning the new 'Chatelain Knights' to take with gravity the oath to install Justice, Righteousness and Peace in Frencolia.

Upon departure from Chanoine, messengers from afar, with news, hailed the royal procession. Ruskin, a Frencolian knight, had returned from his mission; he and a group of soldiers and knights had located Elliad's trail and finally his camp, which was on the move every day.

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