I - 'studying'

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Tweek paced nervously around his room, sipping on a cup of coffee. Craig was meant to be coming over to work on a school project they were assigned soon.

Tweek wasn't that well-known at school, but Craig was pretty damn popular. Pretty much all the girls had crushes on him, which made Tweek jealous. Ever since they started school together, Tweek had had a huge crush on Craig which he was pretty good at hiding. They didn't really talk as much as the blonde haired boy wanted to but he didn't really bother anymore, because Tweek was 100% sure Craig was straight anyways.

'N-not like I have m-much of a chance... g-gotta get my shit t-together...' Tweek muttered to himself as he nervously checked himself out in the mirror. He sighed at his messy hair; he'd spent a solid half an hour that morning trying to make it neater but it didn't work.

He checked out his outfit too; he wore his usual clothes, but he'd made extra effort to make sure there were no coffee stains on his shirt today.

'O-oh god, s-should I change??? I-I should w-wear something n-nicer, f-fuck-' his panicked rambling was cut off short by a knock at his bedroom door.

It was probably his mom bringing in some coffee, so Tweek yelled 'C-come in!' as he tugged at his hair in the mirror.

The door opened, and oh fuck it's Craig. He smiled and stepped in. 'Hey, your mom let me in.'

'C-Craig! Y-you're early!' Tweek panicked and tugged at his shirt collar.

Craig's face dropped a little, hardly even noticeable to anyone except him. 'Oh... I can come back later if it's a problem.'

Tweek's eyes widened and he got even more nervous, pulling at his soft blonde hair as he rapidly shook his head. 'N-no! C-come on man! Jesus, c-can we just study a-already???'

Craig chuckled a little which was pretty out of character for him, but Tweek brushed it off as the raven haired boy closed the door. He had other things to worry about, like... Craig.

'So, uh, what are we even studying?' Craig had a slightly confused look on his face as he sat down on Tweek's bed.

'Holy shit, Craig fucking Tucker is on my bed, am I dreaming? Right, the project...' Tweek stepped a little closer and picked up a textbook he had on the floor. 'I-It's a science pr-project... I-I think we g-get to ch-choose what we w-wanna make i-it on.' His stutter was even worse than normal, his hands shaky as he felt his face heat up a little out of embarrassment.

Craig didn't seem to notice as he muttered 'Huh, cool,' as he picked up a science textbook Tweek had put on his bed in anticipation for studying. Wait, no that doesn't look like a textbook-

Too late. Before Tweek even had time to process his mistake, Craig said, 'Yaoi, huh?' with an unreadable expression on his face. Tweek rushed toward Craig and grabbed the book. Fuck, he forgot to put the yaoi he'd been reading earlier away. Panicking, he tried to come up with a decent excuse.

'Y-yup, i-it's not mine, i-it's for the science p-project!' Tweek almost yelled, clutching the yaoi close to his chest. Craig stood up and walked closer to the shaking boy, staring into his eyes almost as if he was a predator stalking his prey. 'S-so intimidating...' Tweek was frozen in place, his face getting redder every second.

Finally Craig spoke. 'Huh, let's just do our project on yaoi then. Better than doing actual science.' The tension that had built in the room pretty quickly dissipated as he shrugged and sat on the floor, Tweek quickly following and doing the same.

Tweek slid the yaoi to Craig, hands still shaky as hell as he stood up, not knowing what was going on. He decided to just play along with his lie. 'O-oh god okay, y-you can read it i-if you wanna, I-I can go make c-coffee, you wa-want any?' he stuttered while he picked up his empty coffee cup.

Craig made a grunt acknowledging what Tweek had said, picking up the book and flicking through the pages with a smirk on his face. 'Y'know, I don't think just reading is enough research...'

Tweek dropped his cup in shock, shattering it. That's the third one this week, damn nerves... but wait, what did Craig just say? 'W-well, I-I h-have my laptop, you c-could google it...' he quietly said as he tried to process what the hell was going on.

"C'mon, we both know that's not what I mean." Craig averted his eyes from the yaoi to Tweek's face which was rapidly growing redder. From the blonde's expression, Craig could see Tweek's thoughts racing wildly through his head.

Craig could see that he probably wasn't gonna get a reply anytime soon. Before Tweek's brain exploded from overthinking things he held back a slight laugh. 'You're not real good at the whole flirting thing, Tweek,'

'F-flirting? M-me??? I-I thought y-you were f-fucking straight!' Tweek suddenly yelled, frozen in place. 'Oh, so that's why he was so confused.' Craig thought, the puzzle pieces starting to fit together.

Craig got up from his place on the floor and walked a lcloser to Tweek, backing him up close to the wall. 'Well, why do you think I turn every girl that asks me out down?' Tweek looked away and shrugged his shoulders, feeling like the world's biggest idiot.

Craig took another step forward and took Tweek's shaky hand. Tweek snapped his head towards him with wide eyes. 'W-why me? O-out of e-everyone, why me? I'm a no-nobody, you're... so fucking p-popular and hot and...' Quickly, he cut himself off before he said too much, not being able to control his words.

Craig leaned in close to Tweek, until they were almost nose to nose. 'I like you because you're cute, and sweet, and you're not like everyone else... it feels like most people just want to date me because I'm popular, but you obviously like me for me and... just everything about you is so...' He gestured vaguely towards Tweek as he moved his hand in to stroke a lock of the shaky boy's soft, blonde hair out of his face, gazing into his eyes, feeling like he could drown in them.

"W-what do you m-mean, I obviously l-like you?" Tweek blushed, he'd thought that up until now he'd done a good job of hiding his feelings. "I've noticed you stare at me in school... and I've seen the jealous look you get whenever someone asks me out... and that cute relieved look you get whenever I say no... I'm not blind, y'know?"

'O-oh...' Tweek couldn't control his body as he leaned in closer, the gap between their lips getting smaller and smaller, his anxiety almost overridden by the feeling of... love?

"Just kiss me already, it's okay..." his features softened as he leaned in, their lips finally meeting.

They both felt like fireworks were going off inside them, electric running through their veins. Tweek didn't know what he was doing, trying to copy Craig who led the way; he poked Tweek's soft lips with his tongue, silently asking for permission to enter. Tweek parted his lips, Craig instantly letting their tongues dance together, indulging in the coffee-like taste of Tweek, who was melting apart in his arms like butter.

The kiss didn't last for long but it felt like a lifetime to them both, Craig reluctantly pulled away, a rare genuine smile on his relaxed face. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that..." he whispered.

"M-me too..." Tweek stuttered as took Craig's hand, leading him to the bed, pulling him back into another deep kiss as he let Craig fall on top of him.

AN; first Creek story how did I do? Idk should I write another part w/ smut? Leave a comment~

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