A Hero is Born

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Well here I am, finally writing for the harem story I thought up months ago but never really continued, sorry for taking so long, but I'll do my best now to see it through. I also have another Monster Girl Encyclopedia centered story coming up, it's more adventure-based and serious, so if you like this one and my other stories stay tuned fo it. 

For now, please do enjoy the first chapter on Hijo's path to greatness, love, and to power. So, sit back and please do enjoy the proceedings.


It was dark.


The moon was shining down over the island.


All was peaceful in this small kingdom within Zipangu.


Or so it seemed.





In the central city, there was a grand parade, the monsters and humans of the settlement and the farms surrounding it had come to cheer and enjoy the festivities, demon realm food was being passed around, oni were drinking and revelings, nekomata tending to their kittens with unwavering attention so they wouldn't get lost, tengu were watching and recording the celebrations both in writing and in art, and even the Ushi-Oni had come down from their few caves to bear witness to the parade.

Although there were many floats and performances in the parade from lascivious dances to fire breathers to clowns, but none of them were the center of the joy and festivities, no. All eyes rested squarely on the grand litter that held the royal family, within it there was a nurarihyon, the queen of the island and Supreme Khan, Akemi. With her was a man, her husband, the king, and a little girl, another nurarihyon, their first daughter who stood on the float, waving to everybody with the grin of a child. And in the arms of Akemi there was another child, an anomaly of a child. Their newest daughter.

The one whom the parade had been brought together for.

But, there was something odd about her, something unprecedented among monster society. She had given birth to what they had thought to be a son, but they would soon learn that it was, in fact, a she. A beautiful and fierce she who would rise to become the greatest of their people and would lead them to equal greatness where their little island would come to stand tall among all of the other nations as a true and serious player in the games of life.

But the biggest oddity about this child... was that she was a human.




Then this peace was shattered all at once.

A kunai shot from one of the hidden areas on the shingled roofs, the blade landing firmly in the throat of one of the litter carriers, causing the carriage to fall to the ground, the toddler falling from her seat and to the ground, another kunai landed its mark on the back of Akemi and two more landing through the ribs and the eye of the king, a group of nine kunoichi landed on their feet in front of the queen.

As she hid the infant under her and holding her tightly as the lead kunoichi began her approach, not a word leaving her as she drew a sickle, stepping over the perished king and standing above the queen, raising her hand she was about to bring the...

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As she hid the infant under her and holding her tightly as the lead kunoichi began her approach, not a word leaving her as she drew a sickle, stepping over the perished king and standing above the queen, raising her hand she was about to bring the blade down on her when a green fist blindsided her and sent her flying, an ogre in her mid-teens stood tall over the queen and placed herself between the khan and the assassins.

She cracked her neck and popped her fists, looking around at the ninja, a frown on her face "Prepare to be broken." as a few of the oni came and took places by her side along with several ochimusha and an ushi-oni, the nine began backing up, the leader's eyes landed on the toddler daughter who'd fallen out of the carriage

She seemed to order a retreat as she lunged over and grabbed the child who let out a loud yelp before they ran back up the walls of the roof, running quickly across the rooves out of the city, they'd failed, but they'd crippled the family if nothing else. They'd finish their task at a later date, but for now... they had a new tool under their command.

The ogre frowns as they get away with the child, her gaze turning to look at the queen "Your majesty... I'm sorry..." she crouched down, beginning to pull the blades out of Akemi's back "We weren't able to save the princess..." 

All she could do was cry while he held little Hijo close to herself, the last remnant of the family she'd just had torn away from her, the girl was all she had now... "What is your name ogre?" she forced herself to speak up, looking up at her, makeup running down her cheeks with her tears 

"My name is Joan. Just got here a few hours ago." she frowned and folded her arms after pulling out the last knife, a chochin -obake began using her fire to seal up the wounds while an Inari gave the ruler her hand to squeeze

She forced herself to offer a small smile up to her, a request leaving her "I would like you to be her personal bodyguard. The youngest princess's protector. I want you to keep her safe, you displayed your courage mere moments ago, I have faith that you can protect her from those abominations if they ever attempt this again..."

The ogre stood stunned for a moment, the outsider had never expected to be given such a high responsibility so early on in her time here, or ever for a matter of fact "Y-yes ma'am I'll do my best!" she beat a had to her own chest, looking at the infant "She'll not know fear so long as I am alive."


And with that, we're all done on the first chapter, the origin of the one who will grow to be the greatest Khan the island has ever seen. So be sure to tune in next time to see where the story takes us.

As always, have a good day and a lovely imagination!

~Love and French Toast

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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