Tagged Myself 1.

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I tagged myself cause was feeling lonely af :d

1.at home sleeping

2.They still think my brother drank the rest of the apple juice its been 3 years 

3. PROCRASTINATION!! and lying to get want....

4.Orange is my favorite color because of the sunset, its soo beautiful.

5. Blue

6. Nope but Im studying

7. Dec.15.

8. por-procrastinating :)


10. My dad

11. Sagittarius

12.walking stone mountain every friday morning :..(

13. Navy Blue- Charlotte Lawrence

14. normal brown

15. East Coast America

16. "thou cannot throwith shade if thine cannot throwith hands,"-tiktok

17. Canada

18. I love my name (Salwaa) but no one can pronounce it

19. Autumn, Fall <---I love it

20. Lg k30 but due to some circumstances it is not in my possession.......

21. my grandma said when I turn 16 she will get me a credit card ;D imma be swag

22. Not much time at all so id say 10 minutes max but most of the time im rushing so 30 seconds

23. struggling to breath so I guess drowning, being in a fire , and whatever else comes with trying to breath but not being able to.

24. BTS

25. Koala

26. My baby brother he is so funny.

27. coleslaw I hate it with a passion

28. Earth to Echo, Home, Big Hero Six, and a few other ones I cant remember at the moment.

29. nahh

30.                       <-----relationship status be like

(Tag 2 people who have some gud comments)




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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