Out of His League - The Decision

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Author Note:

This is an additional, deleted scene from Two Cream, No Sugar, which is now a Wattpad Paid Story, renamed Out of His League. 

I originally posted this snippet in honour of the book winning a 2019 Watty in the Romance category. Now, the book has reached over 1.2 million reads, and officially a bestseller! I'm in awe of how well Josh and  Gretchen have resonated with readers.

 If you haven't read Out of His League, it is available in the Paid Stories program! This snippet is one of my favourite scenes that didn't make the final book. So, if you enjoyed reading this sweet scene between Josh and Gretchen, check out their book on my profile!



"Gretch, you need to make a decision, sweetheart."

Gretchen turned her head on the pillow, Josh's face inches from hers. She blinked away the grogginess.

"Sorry, what?" she stuttered, unable to look away from him, his sleepy tousled hair, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes drawing her in.

Instead of answering her, he grinned widely, planted a kiss on her, then leapt out of bed. Bright watery morning sun was filtering in the large window overlooking the city, casting his body in shadow for a moment as she too sat up.

"Seriously, Josh, make up my mind about what?" she asked again, and he stretched, groaning as his back muscles jumped and flexed. It was, as always, the best view, and she took it in, a happy warmth spreading over her.

"I mean it, Gorgeous. Make up your mind. We have to be down to the courthouse by eleven. Ric is picking us up with the team bus by ten."

What on earth did he mean? Make up her mind about what? Today? Them? Her brain was not awake, and she rubbed her face to rid herself of the morning cobwebs, worry itching in to replace the warmth.

He leaned into her, mock seriousness stealing over him as he trapped her neatly under the sheet with his hands, knee on the bed beside her. Then an eyebrow quirked and the grin reappeared. She couldn't help but smile back, his antics getting the better of her. Obviously this wasn't worry in the face of what they had planned today, or he would have been brooding.

"Breakfast, Firecracker. Breakfast. Where do you want to eat? I asked you not five minutes ago when we woke up, and you mumbled something about the Peppermill, but then said no, too many bad memories, and maybe we should buffet. Don't you remember?"

She twisted her lips together, embarrassed. Yeah. Something else he needed to know about her.

"I talk in my sleep when I'm under stress, Josh. Like, full conversations if you aren't careful. And... Today is... Well, a big deal."

He quirked another eyebrow at her and she blushed under his scrutiny. Obviously she hadn't done that yet in the few months they had been living together, and thankfully it hadn't been anything worse than just a conversation about food. He chuckled as he ran his knuckles over her cheek, and then leaned in for a more soft, languid kiss, reassuring and possessive. She threaded her arms around his neck, hopeful he would get back into bed with her. Having him so close to her was all it took to want more.

"I'm sorry." she offered. "It doesn't happen often."

"Duly noted. I wonder if our kids will do that." He remarked, releasing her as quickly as he had trapped her, jumping up and sauntering towards the washroom, pulling a towel off the rack as he went in.

She was staring after him, her mouth hanging open at his nonchalant mention of kids when he leaned back out, still looking as if he was up to no good. He pointed a finger at her and shook it, his smile firmly planted, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"We need to eat, so pick a spot, Gretch. I am not getting hitched without a full stomach. You know very well Felicia would have my hide if I didn't. And I seem to recall you like my hide very much."

She threw her pillow in his direction, and fell back to the bed, laughing hysterically.

Make up her mind? Food was secondary. It didn't matter where they ate, because the only decision that mattered had been made a long time ago with an impulsive airport coffee and a leap of faith.


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