Chapter One

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"You are hereby banished from Atlantica. Leave! And never return!" King Triton said as all the merpeople looked at me like I was a vile creature.

I moved forward to queen Athena who pulled her new born son close to her as the guards stopped me.

"Remember this day Triton, the fates won't let us be separated forever." I said as I gave him a fierce look then at his wife before I left their presence as all the merfolks muttered and called me cruel names.

I awoke from the dream that had been a memory sixteen years ago. I swam to a mirror that I used to see everything that goes on around me and then smiled as I admired the little red hair that appeared on my mirror.

He was truly beautiful with those beautiful blue eyes, that rare red hair, green tail, slender yet strong chest and that curious look he always gave off.

He was going to be sixteen very soon and I had decided to make an appearance to him when he was sixteen because I knew he was my mate. He was the one that my soul called out to and I'm sure his soul would when he meets me.

I just stared and calculated as I thought to myself. Just one more day and then finally, he'll be mine. I went out the sea hunting prawns which I preferred to eat and then caught a lot and ate with my pets. Rascal and Sly, two electric eels who had devoted their lives to work for me after rescuing them from danger.

I went out for a swim around the sea as I searched around the ocean I owned for anything valuable. On my little adventure with my pets, I discovered a wreaked ship that belonged to humans.

I went into the ship where I saw so many things that I recognized were used by humans. I knew what each of them were for after all I've been in the human world and lived among them but I was never satisfied staying there because of my little mate.

I later found a music box that seemed to still work and sounded beautifully. I took the treasure as I kept on searching the ship for anything useful.

When I was done collecting what I needed, I decided to swim back to my cave where I started making potions and charms I could use when passing borders with predators.

I finally decided to check the mirror on my little mate to see him talking to one of his elder sisters who laughed at all his silly jokes. It was nice seeing him getting along with people and then I frowned when I saw how a female mermaid was flirting around him.

"Wanna go for a swim, just the two of us?" She asked as she swam around my mate who gave an uncomfortable look.

"I'll pass. I have places to be. I'll see you tomorrow Leticia." He said with that his gentle but strong voice that made him sound more like a mermaid in her early teen.

"Well suit yourself because I can be quite entertaining." She said then swam off as my mate sighed in relief before he swam off without a care in the world.

"Soon my love we'll be together."

The Little Merman {A twist of love}Where stories live. Discover now