Chapter Eight

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We have King Triton and his glorious Trident.
I arrived at my cave with my mate who had passed out from the sleeping toxics of my spell and then I placed him on a pillar where he laid beautifully. I removed the hair on his face and then gently placed my hand on his soft skin before he moaned in his sleep. I was finally happy to be united with my mate but I was afraid. Afraid that my mate would hate me.

I know my approach to getting him back was a bit violent and evil but Triton was a god and the only way a god answered to demands was by seduction or by war which the first I had no intention of doing. I had promised myself to make my mate happy and to love him with all my heart.

I was making a potion when a serious thought came to me.

What if Triton found us? What if my mate uses the time I'm not aware to escape back and lead Triton to me? After all if he caught me again he would kill me to make sure that I never bond with my mate, his only son. I decided to take matters into my own hand and then I took a little bottle from one of my potion shelves then I pricked my finger a little and put a few drops of my blood into the bottle.

I went to my resting mate and then tried to get the potion into his mouth but it kept pouring out. I didn't see anyway to get the potion into his mouth then I then thought of something. I took the bottle and emptied all the contents into my mouth before I approached my mate and then gently kissed him.

While I was kissing him, I released the content into his mouth and was happy it entered. My mate's lips were very soft and warm and in a way they tasted like the human fruit called a strawberry. I didn't want to get carried away especially since it was just a one sided reaction so I pulled away and waited for him to wake as I stayed by his side.

When I saw that my mate was groaning, I went back and then decided to blend in the darkness away from his view. I watched as he opened his eyes and then stared around.

"Where am I? Last thing I remember..." He paused as he started to slowly recall the past irrelevant event.

"Uriel!" He shouted then swam up and looked around for me but I was in the darkness far from his pondering eyes.

He looked around for me but he couldn't find me. When he had his back facing me, I crept out of the shadows and then went to him hugged him. He froze at the contact of my body to his back and then struggled to break free. I released him and then he turned and hit his back to the wall as his eyes never left mine.

He looked afraid at first then angry before he gave off a sad look. I could feel the pain that my mate felt but I knew he surely didn't want my comfort. I watched him as he stayed at the corner looking cautiously for anyway to leave but he had no idea what I had done to him.

"If you think you can leave here like you did when you were human then I'll tell you don't bother." I said but he gave me this joking look.

"You can't hold me here forever. Father will find you and he'll kill you when he does."

"That is if he does. While you were sulking over your shrimp of a father, I placed a barrier spell over here before I returned the Trident." I replied making him surprised.

"Why did you do it? Why did you help me them betray me?" He demanded then came closer to me.

He was smaller compared to me but then the anger and the tears in his eyes always reminded that he was still a child who had been sheltered for sixteen years of his life from vile and evil creatures even merfolks.

"I did it because I am selfish. I don't like to share what I like and what I want." I replied softly confusing him even more.

"I don't believe we're mates and I'll never accept it! If you think making these mates word a thing to make me love you then your wrong!" He shouted and then the tears in his eyes started to fall before he swam away.

I was hurt by the rejection. My sweet mate rejected me like I was an omen. I didn't know how to handle this rejection because we would both suffer the rejection especially me showing was aware of our bond. I knew that merpeople were independent even without their mates but I wasn't going to let that case be with Aric. I'll win Aric's heart matter what.

I swam so far without a single glance back. I still remember the easy I used to enter Uriel's cave when I came to him the first time. I kept on swimming but then it felt like the way out was getting foggy in my brain and then I couldn't remember why I even wanted to leave.

I was stranded halfway with no memory of how to leave or even enter. It wasn't right. I was someone who never forgets a direction since I have a photogenic memory like Attina. I tried looking for any life form but it was lonely. It was too quiet that I got a bit scared that I was in predators territory.

I decided to rest on a rock as I noticed that my mouth tasted different. It tasted more like pawn and something bitter. My lips also felt a bit heavy like it was swollen then I paused.

Did Uriel kiss me? I asked myself before I blushed at the thought of that. I still couldn't forgive Uriel for what he had done but then the thought of kissing him didn't sound bad at all. After all he was tall, handsome and intelligent.

Stop thinking that way about him. His the enemy. I scolded myself as I slapped my cheeks.

After sometime I decided to swim back since Uriel had done something to me. I arrived to see that he wasn't in, probably blending in the darkness. I then decided to swim in and check for him before Sly came to my face.

"Good to see you prince." Sly said with that his ghostly voice as I rolled my then pushed him away.

"You find our mas-ter." He said then I paused and looked at him.

"Where is he?"

"Ow-tu." He replied it in that sly calm voice.

"When will he be back?"

"When his finished with his business. I can provide you entertainment." He replied as I looked at him suspiciously.

"Well I guess I can watch since Uriel is keeping me here." I responded then he nodded.

"Follow me." He said then I swam along with him.

Well might as well make the best of it.

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