WattpadPoetry Frequently Asked Questions

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Here you will find answers to some of the most common questions we receive about Poetry Submissions. If you don't find the answer to your question here, feel free to ask. You'll receive a faster reply if you post your question either on our profile's Conversations section or in the comments for the monthly contest because we have a lot of notifications and this chapter does not get checked often


Question: My work consists of many subjects of poetry; including any theme & as well as lyrics. Can I still submit them?

Answer: Absolutely. If you feel your work/material could be a great addition to WattpadPoetry's reading lists, then please feel free to submit.


Question: Will I know if my work has been accepted to your reading lists?

Answer: Yes. If your work is chosen to be added to our reading lists, you will receive a notification of our doing so.


Question: How long will it take till I know my work has been accepted?

Answer: It takes a bit of time to review every work submitted, but rest assure, we get to all submissions as soon as possible.


Question: Where do I find the link I'm supposed to post? / How do I post a link?

Answer: Instructions below-

On a web browser, simply go to the chapter where you entry is and copy the link from the url bar at the top of the browser. Make sure you are in read mode and not editing. If the url says "my works" in it, then you're editing. You also need to make sure the chapter is published - preview links will not work.

On the app, you'll want to tap on the book on your profile, then tap on the three dots in the top right corner. In the menu that pops up, tap "Share" then tap "Copy Link". Then go to the contest chapter, in the comments, and use press and hold to bring up the option to paste the link into your comment. If you do this it will link to the book only, not to a specific chapter, so if your book has multiple chapters make sure to tell me which one is your entry.


Question: I'm having trouble linking to my entry. What should I do?

Answer: In the event that you can't copy the link to your poem (for whatever reason) you can link to the book instead as long as you give us the name of the chapter your entry is in.

Question: Where can I find the poetry submissions form?

Answer: The form can be found in the WattpadPoetry Submission Requirements chapter located within this very book.

A link to our submissions form is here as well, but it is strongly encouraged that you thoroughly read the requirements before submission: SUBMISSIONS FORM

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