The Arrival

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Chapter 7

I don't own twilight.

Edwards Pov

"Bella. Wake up!" I was shaking her trying to get her to move when all I was getting were cute grunts and a pillow thrown at me.

"No. Edward, leave me alone," she mumbled. A few seconds later I could hear her soft snores. What am I supposed to do? I need to wake her up so she can say goodbye to everyone who is leaving to find witnesses. She will be crushed if she can't give Esme one more hug before she leaves for who knows how long. I decide I have no choice. I start to tickle her and she immediately jumps out of her gigantic bed towards me.

"Edward! What was that for? I am very tired and was dreaming about unicorns!" I just starting smiling at the cute little face she was giving me, but that made her give me the most adorable growl I have ever heard. I ran up to her and have her a big hug. "I am so sorry Munchkin, but some of the family is leaving today to bring some people over to visit. I thought you would want to say goodbye."

"Oh. Why didn't you say so?" I sigh and watch her leave the room. I love her so much. Who knew a soulless monster like me could ever get the love of an angel like Bella?

I start straightening Bella's bed when Alice walks in. "Edward! Don't even think about picking out her clothes! I am leaving for fifteen whole days and will have to leave her clothing decisions up to a bunch of boys so I get to do it!" I roll my eyes and walk out of the room before she tears my head off over a pair of shoes. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me Edward Cullen! This is important! You better take this seriously while I'm gone," I can hear her screeching from the closet.

I walk downstairs to find bags everywhere. It looks like complete chaos. Esme is running around trying to pack, cook Bella's breakfast, and say goodbye to everyone. Carlisle is making sure everyone knows where they're going and everyone else is pretending to listen.

We are trying our best to make this an easy experience. The Cullen clan is dressed in hiking boots and the most comfortable things we could find because we know we won't be changing out of these outfits for a while. The pack will stay here and watch Bella for a few hours while I inform the Denali coven of what their sister has done to us.

I find Jacob and sit on the sofa next to him. "Hello Jacob."

"Hey Edward. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about Bella. This is very important." I say in a whisper. I can't tell anyone about this.

"What is it?" Jacob asks. he moves in closer towards me.

"If Bella is ever in danger, just call my cell phone and I will be back in a heartbeat. Someone else can get the Denali's. If she is not perfect when I get back I will rip you to shreds." Jacob snickers and plasters a goofy smile on his face. "What's so funny?" I growl.

"The irony. You said you'd be back in a heartbeat when you don't have one." I had a sudden urge to tackle him. This is a serious situation and he's laughing at my choice of words. Unbelievable!

"Shut up! Just make sure Bella's in one piece and alive when we get back." I huffed.

"Sure thing Captain Crabby. Loosen up. The pack should be worrying more than you guys. We are allowing covens of vampires to hang out in the place we are protecting. This is crazy!" Jacob throws his arms up in the air and walks out the back door to patrol.

I sigh. This is going to be a challenge. The only place I'm going to is Denali. It's the closest and the safest because they are like our cousins, but I'll still be away from Bells for days. I slowly grab my green backpack and wish I wasn't leaving.

I hear Bella running down the stairs and yelling, "Edward! Wait for me! I want to come with you. Pretty please with a cherry on top. We could be the two musketeers."

I crouch down and give her a hug. "I'm afraid it's too dangerous. I'll be back before you know it. I promise. It will take two days at the most."

"Two days is so long. Can't it be sooner? I'll miss you so much." Her eyes start to water and her lips turn into a pout. My heart almost shatters when a single tear rolls down her face.

"Everything will be okay. I'll call you before you go to bed tonight."

"Promise?" She pulls back and looks at me with sad eyes. I can only nod in fear of breaking down in front of her.

"Edward! It's time to go." Carlisle calls from the kitchen. I go over to my family and say my goodbyes and good lucks.

"Your job is fairly easy so you should be okay. Do you have everything?" Carlisle says as he packs his own bag.

"I think I do. What should I do when the Denalis get here?"

Carlisle stops what he's doing to looks at me. His eyes show so much emotion that it overwhelms me. "Tell them the truth so they have no choice but to join us." I give a curt nod and leave the house in hopes of finding allies to save my family.

Bellas Pov

I never thought this would happen to me and my family. What have I done? I have risked my entire family's lives. It's my fault this is happening so I need to do everything I can to make it right.

Edward has just left and it makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry knowing that I won't be able to see him for days. Why did he have to leave me?

"Bella!" Daddy called. "Coming!" I scream as I run into the dining room.

"Hey Bells. I want you to listen very carefully." I nod. "We will be having friends over that are going to help us but you're going to have to convince them that everything we're telling them is true. Be on your best behavior and be yourself around them. They won't hurt you as long as you use your gifts to prove to them that you are who you say you are. Alright?" I smile and give him a big hug. How could I deny my daddy anything? It's the least I could do for getting him into this mess anyways.

"Alright. We're going to head out." Daddy says as everyone grabs their backpacks. I start waving as they they open the door.

Everyone stops cold as they see two vampires standing on our front porch. My heart starts to race as they stare straight at me. My family gets into a defensive position in order to protect me while I'm frozen. The wolves start to form a circle around me when I suddenly feel lightheaded. The world around me starts to spin. I hear Alice say "Oh no! Somebody catch her before-"

And the world goes dark.


Thanks for waiting. High school has been hectic and the only thing that reminded me to update this story was comments. Comment it up!!! Hope you enjoyed. Tell your followers to read some of my stories. I've been getting great feedback in the last couple of weeks from this story so thanks for everyone's support. Love my readers and fans.

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