The Talk

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Chapter 5

I don't own twilight.

Esme's Pov

Those mutts imprinted on my daughter! My one-year-old daughter! How dare they! I ran up to the Alpha and smacked him across the face.

"She's mine! Who gave you the right to imprint on my daughter? She's a baby!" I screamed and was about to attack when I felt Emmett and Jasper hold me back. They held on to me while I thrashed and tried to get out of their grasp. Jasper sent me calming waves until I stopped resisting.

I turned to my family to see them looking at me in shock. I never acted this way. I was as surprised as they were.

I slowly walked back to my family and held out my hands for Carlisle to give me Bella. He seemed reluctant to let her go after I blew up like that, but he obliged. I became calm once Bella was in my arms.

I looked around at the condition of my family. Rosalie was pissed, Alice was distraught, Emmett was happy there was finally some action around here, Jasper was trying to cope with all the emotions, Carlisle looked disappointed, and Edward was staring blankly at the ground. I can't believe we're going to talk with the wolves.

"This imprint isn't like a normal one. The entire pack imprinted on Bella in a brotherly way. We want what's best for her, but we would never have a relationship with her. This imprint is very rare and we usually do not speak of this in our tribal history," the Alpha explained. The pack nodded in agreement while they waited for our reaction.

Everyone seemed to calm down immensely. Edward looked at Bella with a hopeful look knowing that she was still his and wouldn't leave him for the wolves.

"The pack would like to be a part of Bella's life and would like to make a new treaty that would work for both of our families and communities," the second- in-command said.

"This has happened so fast. I don't know where to begin," the alpha says while he runs his fingers through his hair.

My husband held out his hand. "Why don't we start with introductions. My name is Carlisle and this is my family: Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Esme, and you've already met Bella. We would be happy to create a new treaty that suits everyone."

"My name is Sam and these guys are Jacob, Seth, Embry, Quil, Jared, and Paul. Leah, our only female pack member has gone to California for school and will be back this weekend. We'll tell her about our new agreement." Sam shakes Carlisle's hand. We are a family now. Whether we like it or not.

"Let's go to our house to get to know each other and discuss the treaty," I suggest. The wolves look at each other with weary expressions. I guess it feels weird for them to be going to our home and talking with us after being taught that we are soulless monsters.

Emmett decides to break the silence, "C'mon!!! We don't bite. Most of the time." Everyone snickers at Emmett's sad attempt.

"I guess we are kinda stuck with each other so we should mine as well go see where our imprint lives," Embry says. We all look at Bella. When she notices everyone looking at her she blushes and hides her face in the crook of my neck.

Rosalie taps her watch. "Let's go already! I know I'm not aging, but I still want to put Bella to bed by 8:30." We nod while the pack phases. Bella squirms out of my arms and runs over to Paul.

"Up! Up! Up!" She yells to Jasper who carefully puts her on Paul's back. We take off into the forest while watching to make sure Bella doesn't fall.

Once we get to the house I go to make Bella's dinner. Everyone goes to the living room to talk and play with Bella. I get out the baby food and make her a bottle just in case we have another scene like this morning's. I walk into the living room to see quite a sight. Bella is playing peek a boo with Seth and Jacob while all the other boys are watching football. The girls are sitting in the corner reading Vogue. Sam and Carlisle are upstairs discussing the new treaty.

"Bella, it's dinner time," I say while picking her up.

"Can we help feed her? The pack just met her. Please!" Embry calls from the couch. I look around to see all the pack members nodding their heads.

"I don't know. Bella can get fussy at mealtimes," I look around to see the boys giving me puppy dog eyes. I cannot believe I am getting the puppy dog eyes from a pack of wolves. I finally give up, "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

We walk in the kitchen and I put Bella in her high chair. I set the mashed peas in front of her and start demonstrating how to feed her. I try to put the first bite in her mouth, but she doesn't let me feed her. "Come on Bella. Eat it for mommy." I coax.

"No! Yucky!" Bella yells. I sigh.

"Let me try," Jared says. "Hey Bells. Why don't you want to eat?"

"Yucky! No good!" Bella pouts and reaches for the bottle I made on the counter.

"You have to eat it though. It's good for you. You're a big girl now. You don't need a bottle. If you want to be as tall as me you're going to have to eat your dinner." Jared holds out the spoon.

"Really?" Bella looks at the spoon in distaste.


Bella slowly opens her mouth while Jared feeds her. She swallows and I stare in disbelief. This has got to be an imprint thing because I have told her that so many times that I have lost track. The entire pack watches Bella eat until she has finished.

Carlisle walks in to see she has finished her food. "You did it, Princess! I am so proud of you." He picks her up and twirls her around. I smile and look at the clock to see it is 8:21.

"Time for bed, Bella." I say while taking her out of Carlisle's arms. "Say goodnight to everyone." The entire pack gives her huge hugs and kisses on the forehead while my family does the same.

I take Bella to her room and by the time she has her pajamas on, she is sound asleep. I tuck her in and kiss her on the cheek. So as not to wake Bella, I slowly walk out of the room and shut the door.

I walk downstairs to hear the news on the television. "Tonight in the Seattle area it is said there will be a minor earthquake. So unless you are very sensitive to vibrations you probably will not feel it." The reporter explains. We look at each other knowing we will feel it. The reporter does not make a big deal of this story so she continues to the weather forecast.

We listened to the news stories until we felt it. The earthquake. It shook the house to the point where things were falling off shelves or falling over completely. This was no minor earthquake. This was a powerful one. We heard Bella scream and it felt like my unbeating heart was shattering. We bolted upstairs to see Bella crying on the floor in front of her bookshelf. The shelf started falling and all we could do was stare in horror. Just as it was about to hit Bella, a white light circled her and the shelf broke in half. It missed her by inches.

Suddenly, it stopped. There was no more shaking and everything seemed calm. Alice and Rosalie ran to Bella to calm her down. Jasper came and helped as well. Bella reached for Edward and cried in his arms. Carlisle examined her to make sure there were no injuries.

Once we had checked out Bella, we turned our attention to the shelf. How did it break in half? What was that white light? Suddenly Bella's locket started to glow and so did the shelf. A light filled the room and once it was gone there was writing on the shelf. In intricate letters it said:

That was a close one. Be more careful with your little angel.

-Guardian Angel

My family stared in disbelief, but all I did was whisper a 'thank you' to Guardian Angel.

"Who is Guardian Angel and what just happened here?" Jacob said.

Once we put Bella back to bed, we told them how Bella entered our lives and how our guardian angel is looking out for us.



Hope this update was good. Send feedback. I am getting a great response for this.

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