Chapter 1

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"..." i stared at the floor

"my name..?" i questioned lowly "i-.. dont know"

"you poor thing  " a small fox said as it sat in front of me "let me help you.."



"blaire darling come downstairs will you~" a male called

i didn't say anything i did what i was told and obeyed as i exited the white room and headed downstairs

i looked around to see 2 more men added to the 4 that were already there

"you needed me ..?" i turned and looked at the dark haired male with glasses as i approach him
"just wanted to introduce you to some - newcomers" he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder 

'he knows i dont like meeting people .. why is this any different ..' i thought to myself 

"liam and ethan this is my subclass Blaire" the black haired male spoke
"nice to meet you" liam held his hand out waiting for it to be shaked 

i looked at the pale male with black hair and vibrant purple eyes with a black mask on and shook his hand my face just as emotionless as it was when i was welcomed here a few years ago

ethan glanced at me then went back to doing whatever he was doing 

"we're brothers but hes not much of a talker" liam reassured 

"im Blaire its a pleasure to meet you liam and ethan" my light blue eyes stared at him trying to see if he was going to become a threat and even if he was he wouldnt beat me and if you cant beat me what makes you think your a match for -

"Tsubaki we should be going now its a pleasure though im looking forward to working with you" liam said as both him and his brother 'ethan' left 

"it seems to be getting dark little one you can go outside if you'd like" Tsubaki said as he waved me off gesturing that it was okay

i immediately went back upstairs and opened my window feeling the breeze against my skin. the scent of the summer day coming to an end made me open my eyes. I smirked and jumped out the window landing on a building nearby 

the breeze blew my white dress in the opposite direction i was standing. i hopped down strolling through the middle of the empty city streets. i decided if i was gonna be out here i might as well make myself comfortable 

i broke in to a shop known as 'galaxybucks' and took a cookie and a drink known as 'strawberry acai refresher' 
i dont really need much to fill me up after all i do move around a lot i dont like moving around on a full stomach 

as im exiting the store the alarm goes off so anything in the next 5 miles could here it 
"damn.. i better get out of here" 

"down there -!" a voice rang from a top of me 

i looked up to see 2 figures aiming straight towards me as it got closer it took the shape or males 

"i dont have time for this" i say bluntly and start walking away in hopes of them just forgetting they saw me but thats not how this world works and unfortunately 

"hey! stop where you are and turn around!" a boy yelled 
"why " i say still facing the opposite way 

something wrapped around my waist tight and lifted me up making me face them

"its-- you again!?" the brown haired young male said shocked and surprised 
"i told you she would come back around.." a monotone intervained 
"oh ..its just you idiots again" i looked down at them still drinking my beverage 

yes i have met these two before 
and by 'met' i mean
i barely escaped when i encountered them. now you may be thinking 'but blaire you said you were strong and no one can beat you' and i am as i do think of myself as badass but it wasn't just them two alright i could have handled it but it was just so much and i didnt have time to deal with it because i was in a hurry.
now unfortunately i cant remember all of them but i do remember what some of them looked like 

"what do you want from me" i said in a normal voice not really intimidated by them
"we heard an alarm go off as we were heading home" the boy said 

i get pulled closer to them 

"and since youre the only one around here i have to assume it was you" 
"who are you again?" i asked tilting my head 
"we'll since you seem to not be a threat i guess thats fine" he shrugged "im mahiru and this is kuro" 
"well mahiru i haven't the slightest idea of what youre talking about..-" i said eating my cookie 
"your drink and cookie with the logo on it literally give it all away" he looked at me with a blank expression 
"is that so" i say 
"this is so stupid i could die.." the blue haired male known as kuro said 

"if im wasting your time -which im pretty sure i am- you can leave me alone" i  say bluntly 

the wrap around my waste got tighter 

"or just keep me with you that works too" i say not bothered 
"easy kuro we're trying to keep her alive not kill her" mahiru glared at kuro
"really..? it doesnt even look like shes bothered to me.." he kept his eye on me 

i on the other hand am still in the air and somehow managed to turn myself upside down still holding the same pose like i was when i was rightside up
but the guys thought differently 

"what the-- hey !" mahiru said covering his eyes
"hm?" i look at them 
kuro sighed and used another end part of his jacket to cover me 
"can i leave now" i say littering throwing both, the empty drink and the cookie wrapper on the ground 
"no - " mahiru said uncovering his eyes
"because we need to find out a way to turn this alarm of before the authority arrives" 
"because they'll take you to jail"

-- sirens in the distance --   

"oh i probably should've told you they were not far from here"
"yea that would've been really helpful" he said worried and upset "lets get out of here"

a broom appeared out of nowhere and suddenly we were in the sky. it was a nice view honestly especially since it was a full moon 

we landed outside this mansion like house but it wasnt as big as the place i was staying in with tsubaki and they proceeded to walk inside 

"can you put me down now" i asked 
"how are you so calm about this we basically just kidnapped you" mahiru complained 
i shrugged "its not like i have anything to live for" i say "plus i never get out often so" 
"ill put you down but you cant run away understand" he looked me in my lifeless light blue eyes that had no hue 
"if i hadnt tried anything back there why would i start now i can beat you without even trying"
"thats not what happened a few weeks ago.." kuro interrupted
"it wasnt an even battle kitty" i teased 
"so troublesome.." he wasn't bothered 
"you can put her down kuro" mahiru gestured 

the piece of clothing unwrapped itself from around my waist as i land onto mahiru 

"couldnt you have moved her over or something !" mahiru yelled at kuro
"you didnt specify where you only said 'put her down' so i did.." kuro turned his head slightly hunched over 
"thanks for catching me" i said handing out a hand to help him up
"oh uh no problem i guess" he took my hand and i helped him back to his two feet 

we walked inside and to what i assumed was the living room

"you should get comfortable youll be here for a while" 

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