Chapter 5

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Hes been dead for a while now

an only I knew

After I stabbed him to death an began smoking
An then a brilliant idea formed in my clouded head of darkness and confusion ..I figured why not burn it down

I began walking around pouring gasoline around making my way outside where it was evening an snowing I didn't really have a lot of clothes on just a shirt an some shorts. I was fully aware of the risk I was taking but my body had grown numb to pain in every aspect. I lit my cigarette as i threw the match down an watching the house burn. It was rather satisfying but I couldn't stay long

It's time I met up with him

Oh tsubaki heheh..

The second i get the chance to try an kill him i will

I began walking even though I could teleport I need to be near a city to actually get to the place I wanted to go. It's weird yea but that's just how it works


It took me a day to say the least to get to my home town or as I call it a bad dream. It was snowing pretty hard an I didn't see any body around so I decided to take a stroll in the darkness of the night. My face was pale as my ears nose an cheeks were red. Still barely having anything on I wasnt really bothered to actually steal from a store

I hopped up on to a building an sat down. I hugged my knees trying to regain warth to feel at least some feeling but my whole body was basically an ice cube. After sitting there an falling asleep after about an hour or so I can feel my organs began to shut down on me
'Is this how I'm gonna die..-' I thought until i felt a presence nearby it got closer closer

Hyde's POV

'Shes..out here all alone freezing to death..'
While it wasnt in my forte to save people i couldn't just let her die like that. I picked her up an put my scarf around her neck
"You're as cold as ice.." he moved her hair out of her face as she was extremely pale

Coming back to reality i rushed down to misonos which wasnt far. I'd gone to roam around because sitting in a meeting is boring, It was only then i felt a strong aura an it lead me to her. She only had a shirt an some shorts which is the complete opposite of the weather now
'Jeez were you purposely trying to kill yourself-'

I burst into the front door hurrying to the others
As they all looked at me from hearing the door burst open. It didn't take them long to realize I was carrying a girl an by the looks of it they could probably feel her aura from the faces they were making
"That aura coming from a fragile girl like her..?" Doubt doubt asked tilting his head
"Yea its strange.. I found her on a roof freezing to death" I say just as confused
"Here" snowlily joined in walking over "while it isnt the safest to keep her here because we dont know if shes a threat or not I'll stay with her till she wakes an see if I can get her to open up" he suggested
"Well yea ..that seems like the safest option"
Everyone nodded in agreement still confused of how a girl like her could be so strong. All we could really do now was wait so we had little conversations to past the time

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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