This Bridge Can't Build Itself

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Kiri POV

Dinner was quite. Bakugou's parents must've been listening to our conversation. I feel bad, there's no more excuses as to to why I'm feeling this way. All these bottled up feelings were ready to burst, and what I said earlier was only the beginning. I thanked Mrs. Bakugou for dinner and was walking up to my room when I though about what I had said earlier. "You're just doing this out of pity!" I regret saying that, Bakugou had looked really hurt and slowly left my room. I stop at my door and turn to his. "I should talk to him.." I groan leaning against the door. Now or never Kirishima. I walk into his room and sit on the unmade bed.

Katsuki POV

     I threw the rest of the plate I had broken away, making a mental note to take the trash out later. 'Stupid fucking cheap plate' I grumbled, heading up the stairs to my room. The door was... open? I see Kirishima sitting on my bed looking dejected. I walk over and we sit in silence for a few moments. "Bakugou I-" He paused to see if I heard him or acknowledged him. I look at him and he continues, "I'm sorry about earlier. I was upset and had no right to take it out on you. I want to talk about what's been happening..."

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