Chapter 3

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Pearl's POV

I can't, I can't! My baby! ''Steven! Please! DON'T LOSE TO HER POWER!'' I yelled. I felt like I failed everything. ''No... NO!'' Garnet cried out loudly, meaning that something bad was about to happen. The Grey Steven got up and was weak, I could see his eyes losing color. His arms were cracking, his face was being moved while cracking too, he was forced to smile. Out of his gem, Pink energy came out slowly, making the grey Steven weaker. ''MY DIAMOND! MY DIAMOND!!'' I yelled, with everyone looking at me shocked. The Grey Steven came and grabbed Garnet, throwing her into the sand, hurting her. ''S-steven... Please come back to your senses!'' Suddenly, Pink energy came out of his gem and pink bubbles were coming out of him. Amethyst whipped them over to us while pulling Garnet back as well. The pink energy formed Rose Quartz and it shocked us all. ''Where Is Steven...?'' Lapis said. The humans behind us were talking about it, Connie was crying while Peridot was holding her. Rose bubbled Steven and handed the bubble over to Garnet, telling her to not pop the bubble at any costs. It was so soothing...

Rose's POV

''You took my one and only away, WHITE!'' I screamed, my calm voice turning into anger quickly. I was fighting my old Pearl, I knew it was painful for both of us. ''If I bubble her and take her power out, she will be fine...'' I thought, but I had no idea where to put it. My worrying made Steven's gem glow and sucked the white energy out of my old Pearl, it went in the bubble and surrounded Steven. It wasn't pleasant to look at, at all. ''STEVEN DON'T!'' I sobbed. The energy went in his gem and he was being shocked to death, with the gems not knowing what to do. The bubble was black and it was the same one White had once trapped me in to. I grabbed the bubble from Garnet forcefully, as everyone was watching groan in pain loudly. He didn't stop screaming for many minutes, it was horrible. ''He...'' Peridot said she couldn't even continue speaking. ''sacrificed himself for humanity...'' Pearl said, all the humans we're grasping and ran over to Steven's bubble. ''Wait... What?'' the white energy disappeared and we saw Steven in there, smiling at me. It was so beautiful and I started crying, I never thought I'd see my baby again! His gem glowed, meaning he wanted to get out. ''it's time already?'' I said Steven nodded while everyone was confused. Rose unbubbled him, but he was terrified when he saw the Pink Pearl. His gem was glowing so brightly, he was scared, I could tell. ''Steven, it's fine. She won't hurt you!'' I explained to him what happened. ''His eyes were so glossy, he was unable to speak through the pain he went through..'' I told the gems. Steven poked my arm and grabbed my hand, making me follow. He handed me something, and I was in a physical form. It looked like Steven and I were both here. ''we. both share the same gem, it's a strong one.'' he tried his best to speak, and his voice was beautiful. He was my baby. He was my love. He was all I needed. The gems found me and Steven hugging, noticing that I had a physical form while starting at Steven. ''how...?'' Amethyst said confused. ''Are you two sharing a gem?'' Garnet needed to know. Steven turned to the gems sighing. ''how did you do it...?'' Pearl asked, worried. ''I had a gem of a diamond, and I was filled with too much power. Our gem made it able to work for is both, but we kinda don't have much privacy since we can feel each other's aura, same with the other diamonds.'' Steven said he sounded so smart, which he was. ''So you gave your mother your live source?'' Pearl asked. ''Yes, This was the only way for us both to exist,'' Steven said I was so proud. I formed into Pink diamond, which was not good at all! me and Steven were worried and therefore bubbled everyone. A white bright light came down and Steven tried to keep the power away with his shield, groaning and struggling. It was not good. Pink returned into her Rose Quartz form. They've pressed more power and Steven was trying his best, he was whispering something only Pearl could apparently be hearing. ''Rose is back, you don't need me now.''

Pearl's POV
''No... STEVEN!'' Steven was almost going to collapse, I held him tight and he must've felt. He looked confident and proud. The power stopped and he collapsed in my arms, Rose looking proud. ''I'm sorry, my baby. I have not regenerated yet, it will take some time to get used to this new strong power for both of us, alright my son?'' Rose said, and Steven nodded and was looking at her and was smiling.

The Pink Pearl was getting hit by a white attack, she was getting attacked and soon mind-controlled. Steven ran to her and tried to bubble her but the Pearl was getting grey and kicked him far away. ''Oof..!''  Steven shrieked. Rose ran to him and picked him up, he was suffering so much, it was unbearable for his body. The Pink Steven came out of him again and bubbled his body. Not even Rose could unbubble him.

Pink Diamond Steven's POV

''Oh Pearl, why do you have to have so much faith in her?'' The Pink Steven said, no one understood. ''He pink boy? Where is normal boy?'' Kofi said while Ronaldo was taking pictures. The White Pearl and the Pink Steven were fighting and it was getting tense. The White Pearl raised her hand and Pink energy came out of my gem. ''STOP!'' Amethyst yelled. ''STEVEN PLEASE COME HERE!'' Garnet cried out. ''STEVEEEN!'' Pearl shouted. The Pink Steven blocked the White Pearl, so she couldn't suck out his energy anymore. He held up his hands and put the Pearl in a bubble, cleansing her and the white energy went in my gem and I was in pain, but I ignored it. ''You.. aren't Steven..'' Rose said, with everyone looking shocked. I walked up to them and held the Pink Pearl, handing her over to Garnet which she put her down. ''You are right, I am not. I am what is left of the mature part of Pink Diamond, combined with the Emotions of You and Steven.''  I could tell she was shocked. ''Where is my baby?'' Rose asked. ''He's waiting, regenerating after his life source was being taken while he was in that hideous bubble.'' everyone looked glad. ''Can I take a picture with you?'' Ronaldo said. I grabbed his phone and put the phone on the sand. ''Nope.'' everyone chuckled. We all thought it was over. But Steven took so long? Rose let everyone out the bubble and they all sat down again. ''How long does his regeneration last?'' Pearl asked. ''He's supposed to be out by now? I don't know what's happening?!'' I said, slowly getting worried while everyone was too. Steven's gem was glowing and so was Rose's. ''Oh, he just wanted to reform'' I said reassured. ''Clod!'' Peridot said ''PERIDOT!'' Lapis yelled ''HE MADE US WORRY! HE'S AN ADORABLE CLOD!'' Peridot said, laughing. Rose chuckled ''Where's Greg, Pink?'' Rose asked. I closed my eyes and tried connecting with him. ''Sleeping in his van with 2 pizza boxes.'' ''what a sad man.'' Vidalia said and Amethyst giggled. Steven's gem glowed much more and he was reforming. ''Now we wait and see what he did.'' I said.

Steven's POV

I started reforming, I came back with a pink jacket, a blue shirt with a star on it and had a pink streak in my hair, which I didn't do actually. ''Aww, he looks adorable!'' Lapis said. ''I wonder what that pink streak is about...'' Amethyst joked. ''Oh, that was me!'' Mom/Rose said. I opened my eyes slowly and realized I was in the hands of my mother, I tried to speak and move but I was too much in pain. ''Son?'' Rose said worried. ''He's not going to be able to talk after a direct hit from the Diamonds, he's at least not shattered so that's good'' The Pink me said. When I looked at him I had a derpy yet nervous face. ''Hello, Steven.'' the Pink me said. ''He probably thinks it's weird.'' Jenny said. ''Yeah, it would be weird seeing a pink version of you just staring at you.'' Peedee joked. Fryman, Jamie, Vidalia, Sour Cream and Buck nodded. Even I nodded. I was staring at Connie, which suddenly made my gem glow and I looked to it. ''Steven? Who's the lucky one?~'' Rose whispered jokingly but could be heard. I blushed and crossed my hands, not hurting much anymore. ''Hmph!'' then I was staring at Pearl. I got up and hugged Pearl. People were saying aww, even my mom. Suddenly, the ship from the diamonds arrived and Rose was alarmed. ''Steven!'' Blue Diamond said, waiting for me to run to her, which I did. She moved her hand close to her face and I hugged her. ''Hi Blue!'' I said in a soothing tone, and then I went and did the same to the other 2 diamonds, Blue noticed Rose. ''How... Steven?'' Blue said and she poked me, and then Rose. ''I'm back.'' Rose said. ''Pi- No, Rose...!!'' Blue said and she grabbed Rose and hugged her. ''How did you do it, Stardust? Only one of the strongest gems in this universe could share a gem, and you are a diamond?'' White said in a motherly tone. Blue put Rose down, and White put me down too. ''Since I knew everyone wanted to see my mother, I decided to share my life source with her. I managed to get her a physical form, and now she can exist.'' I said while Blue was crying. ''Not again'' Garnet groaned. ''What's wrong, You guys?'' Vidalia asked. ''It's blue diamonds power, she's relieved that both Pink and Steven can exist.'' Pearl said. ''Somebody make her stoppp...'' Peridot groaned.

It was a good yet happy night. If you like this story, please tell me what you'd like to see in the comments. :)

To be continued...

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