
66 7 18

Credit to;
Run by;
Arizona [Frosted_Lilacs]

as the water dissipates
we will fade
unless we can find another way
to survive alone

You may join by signing up on the forms page!

One chapter in the game = one game moon. Every three days is a season.

Roleplaying is optional. Don't just join someone elses roleplay chains. Ask first.
Roleplaying affects nothing.

A task is something your goose can do that will use energy.

Healthy geese have three energy.

I will reply to your commands with the results.

Skill Levels
Skill levels affect how much food or herbs you can collect. It also affects your hits in battle and ability to heal.

Skill levels go from Level 0 to Level 5

Gathering, foraging, healing, and battle are separate skills and must therefore be leveled up separately.

To level up you need to train with someone with a higher level in that skill.

Healers have healing, foraging, and gathering skills. Hunters have foraging, gathering and battling skills.

You need to train twice to level up once.

Health and Hunger
Geese can get injured from human traps while on patrol if there are traps in their territory.

There are three types of injury; slightly injured, injured, and severely injured.

Healers can use herbs to heal so don't fret if you get hurt!

When injured you will lose energy.

Hunger depends on how well your goose has eaten every day.

Geese automatically eat at the end of the day in order of rank with those of higher status eating first.

One day without food makes you slightly hungry, two makes you hungry and you loose one energy, three makes you starving and four is the death of you.

You can use the command /don't eat which will make you eat last so that other geese can get a chance to eat.

Sometimes depending on the season the gaggle can be hit by an event. These can range from fires, droughts, floods, thunderstorms, blizzards, frost, thieves, humans, and attacks.
The weather related events depend on the season.
The thieves and attacks depends on the Gaggle's border strength though even at full sometimes may happen. These can potentially kill you.
Humans place traps which can injure and kill geese on patrols.

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