Chapter 1

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Your POV

I woke up to my mom opening my bedroom door and yelling my name for me to wake up.

"Five more minutes," I groaned.

She walked around my bed towards my window stepping over all the piles of clothes I was to lazy to put away last night. She grabbed the curtain and opened it to let the sunlight in. I rolled over I'm my bed to avoid the light.

Mom grabbed my blanket and ripped it off of me.

"Wake up our you'll be late," she said.

She walked out of my room and slammed the door shut. We were never really close.

I got up out of my bed and made it nicely like I always did and picked up some pillows that had fallen on the floor during the night. I placed them back in there spots.

I got dressed and did my hair and make up to sorta look cute for my first day. I don't know why I have to go to school today, there is literally a week left until summer break.

I shook my head in disgust and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"I won't be able to get you after school so don't forget about the curfew," my dad said from behind a newspaper. He almost never looked at me directly in the eyes when he spoke, only when he was angry with me.

"I know, I won't forget," I said as I walked by to get to the cupboards.

I rummaged through them hoping for some sort of food since they haven't been shopping yet. But with my terrible luck there was no food or snacks to be found.

"I'm leaving," I looked at my parents yet they didn't even notice that I was there so I just grabbed my black dickies backpack and headed out the door.

The ten minute walk to school was boring and just like the walk I used to do in my old town.
The people there sucked, I hope they are better here.

I passed by so many houses that all looked the same, I can't wait till I don't have to walk this route for a few months.

I walked up to the school to see a lot of kids walking into the school as well as hanging out around the building.

"Dammit there's so many people," I said under my breath.

I gathered up courage and made my through the doors. Heading towards the main office.

The old lady in the office gave me my locker comb and number along with my classes for the week and I made my way to put my bag away.

I sat down in my first class, English, people started crowding in. And my books were pushed off my desk.

"What do you think your doing," I looked up to see a girl with dirty blonde hair looking down at me. She blew a bubble and popped it and continued chewing it.

"I'm sitting down, I didn't see any name written on this desk," I told her and smiled.

She looked at me with disgust and looked back at her friends next to her.

"You better watch your back new girl," she told me and walked a few desks behind me and sat down, her two friends following her and sitting down on both of her side's.

What a bitch. I thought to myself. I heard some people laugh around me, probably because I just put her in her place or that I'm going to die in the next few days, honestly who knows.

The teacher came in a tall man with a lot of wrinkles, buzzed hair and glasses. Strangely a bright baby blue button up with a pink and yellow striped tie.

"Alright we have a new student," his voice was deep and stern. Not what I expected at all. There was a lot of whispering around me, I got anxious and clicked my pen. Being the center of attention was always something I despised.

"Say hello to F/N, L/N," he gestured towards me and I looked around to see everyone in the class looking at me, whispering to the person next to them, probably talking about me.

He walked up to me and set a bunch of papers on my desk.

"Have them done by tomorrow," he said with a slight anger filled tone.

I heard some girls giggle and looked back to see the dirty blonde haired girl laughing with her friends.

"Greta silence," she then shut her mouth.

Now I know that chicks name. She seems like the head girl of the school. I turned back around and started to work on the papers the teacher gave me, luckily for me it was just grammar and that was something that came easy for me as well as math.

I got them done by the time the bell rang to change classes. I went up and gave them to the teacher. He looked quite surprised to see that I had gotten them done so quickly.

I grabbed my books and headed to my locker to the next class.

"Hey slut," I heard and I was suddenly pushed into the lockers next to me causing me to drop all of my books on the ground.

I stood up and gave Greta who just smiled at me with her goons standing next to her.

"This week is going to be a living hell for you," she leaned in and said to me.

I felt myself get angry with the girl standing in front of me and didn't realize that I started to swing my fist towards her face till I made contact with her nose.

The impact made her fall backwards onto the floor and she quickly covered her nose in pain. I shook off the blood on my knuckles and knelt down to get my belongings.

A teacher of some kind came up to me and started yelling. Next thing I knew I was in the principals office while my parents are getting called but they aren't answering the phone.

The principal called me in to sit down.

"You have a detention after school today better show up," he gave me a slip and released me to my next class.

I walked in to see everyone staring at me a few boys in the back started smiling at me. I was introduced by the teacher and sat down in the only empty seat in the back corner.

This is going to be a long day. I thought to myself.

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