Cancer problems ?

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As we were finishing our family meal , which was going great by the way , an old friend (Beth) of Sharon's and mine came over to the table that we haven't seen in 15 years . Of course the first words out of her mouth was " My god you 2 haven't changed not one bit . You look the same now as you did the day you got married . And now look at you two you have a boy and a girl . Congratulations to you ."
"Well thank you and how have you been doing ?" Sharon asked . As soon as Sharon said that Morgan began crying . She apologized it's just she has an inoperable brain tumor and doctors give her about 2 more weeks  . "Oh my" Sharon said " nothing can be done ?  Sharon asked ? "There's nothing , the doctors have tried everything in their abilities and it won't go into remission ." " I am sorry I didn't come over here to ruin your family diner . It sure was nice seeing you guys again ."
She was turning to leave when Sharon gave Michael that look you know the one " do something she's a good friend" look .
Michael got the hint right away and stopped Beth and asked her " if there was an unproven , barely tested way to possibly , I say possibly now , to maybe get rid of the cancer forever but you would never be the same woman would you do it .
She said "your kidding right" "and what do you mean I wouldn't be the same woman ever ."
Michael says " this is not the place to discuss this why don't you follow us back to our house where we can talk in private."
The family finished their meal with their friend and she followed them back to their home to Finnish the discussion .
"Beth" Michael began " we have nothing to loose here . But I want you to know the risks involved . We could do this tonight and you would be cancer free by morning forever . I have never tried my serum this way but I'm positive it would work ." He continues with Beth intently listening " I have to find a desperate couple that have no children that desperately want a girl which should only take about a day . I want you to know what could happen here . I extract a small portion of DNA from the couple , this is the key ingredient to hopefully get rid of the cancer forever , and mix it with the serum and inject it into you . Now what this does and it only takes a few hours to complete is it will transform you back into childhood possibly infancy and you would have to grow back up again ." " you would in all rights be the daughter of the host couple , I does change your appearance to look like them but you would be forever cancer free . " "are you interested ?"
Without  caring about her mom and dad  or any other friends and family she said yes immediately .  She didn't care about anything else but self preservation .
Michael said ok he'll get looking for a host couple and should have one in an hour or 2  .
Michael had the perfect couple in mind , they were an elderly very very well to do and gave them a call . By the time the phone rang it was after 10:00 and they weren't very happy about the late call until they found out who it was and why he was a calling  . " well be there in an hour the man said " .
After telling Beth he had someone and that they'd  be there within the hour   she was overjoyed and cried happy tears .
Harold and Maude Sanderson were in their late 60's and would give anything to go back and have a child , they had so much love to give but no one to give it to . When a friend who Michael had recently helped told them of his works they contacted Michael in hopes he could help them . This didn't make Michael very happy but understood the desperation of the couple . A couple knew it would cost about $150,000 to turn them back to their 20's so they could properly raise an infant .
When they arrive about 11 o'clock at night . At first glance Beth looked at Michael has it to say these people will not work they're too old . Michael took her asideAnd explained  to her they are going to be regressed to the age of 21 so they can properly raise you from infancy again  . At that point Beth understood . Michael extracted the DNA Mixed it with the serum and injected Beth with it . He then proceeded to inject Harold and Maude with the youth agent and waited for the course to end . It was about one in the morning when Harold and Maude's procedure was over about 3 AM is when Beth's procedure was over. And laying before them was a perfect little girl .
The Sanderson's paid Michael or making them 21 the child was a gift to the Sanderson's so they could have the family they always wanted  . Who was well after 4 o'clock in the morning before the stones could get to bed it was going to be a late morning hopefully the children slept that long .
As they drifted off to sleep Michael and Sharon couldn't Help but be very happy for their friend Beth And wondered what adventures lie  ahead For them ?!!!

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