Part 16

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Miranda: "Hey, Cristina, where's Meredith?"

Cristina: "Eum... at home. She needed to spend time with her kids. Why?... You already know it."

Miranda: "Yea. No. I know, I know. Eum... I thought she would be back. Mark wanted to know. I'll talk to him."

Cristina: "No. Don't worry about it. I'll go."

*Goes to Mark's room*

Cristina: "Hey Mark! Bailey told me, that you were wondering where Mer is."

Mark: "Cristina... I...I remember everything. I...I need to see Derek."

Cristina: "You remember?"

Mark: "I remember everything. Where is Derek? I need De...Derek..."

Cristina: "I'm gonna. I'm gonna call him. Mark? Mark! Mark! Bring me a crash cart NOW!"

*Meanwhile at the dream house*

Mer: "Why are you looking at me that way?"

Der: "I'm sorry. I can't stop being sorry about hurting you and the kids. I just left without saying anything. I'm sorry."

Mer: "You didn't leave. You died."

Der: "That's not changing anything. I still left."

Mer: "Stop, just stop. In less than a month, the stupid president will leave."

Der: "Maybe not."

Mer: "Yes. He is!"

Der: "Okay."

Mer: "So stop worrying."

Der: "I love you."

*Ring Ring*

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