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"Mommy can we go sailing after dinner?" My beautiful little girl looked up at me wanting to know my answer. I looked into her pure blue eyes. Killian's eyes. I couldn't believe she was mine even after all this time.
"You're gonna have to ask your daddy, Hope." I looked over at Killian who was making our daughter's lunch for her day at school.
"Daddy pleaseeeee" Hope tugged on his leather jacket to get his attention. After he had completed packing her lunch he picked her up and held her close.
"How bout this little love, after dinner we'll go sailing and I'll teach you how to steer." I gave him a look. After all it had been a while since Hope had been out at sea. Not since she was inside me. It was clear that I was uneasy because he smiled at me and simply said, "She's ready love."
With great protest I said "Alright. After dinner." Killian took Hope's hand and her lunch and told her, "Come on love we got to get you to school."
"Don't make me go daddy. I don't like school." She stared at my husband and I wondered how he would respond. He pulled out Liam's ring from his pocket.
"Remember this ring, Hope?" She nodded. "This ring makes me a survivor. It has made me who I am. It was because of my brother and this ring that has made me brave. Now I need you to be brave." He handed her the ring and kissed her on the cheek.
"I love you daddy, but I'm still scared." She went in for a hug. He held her close and told her, "I know my love, but I'm proud of you and I love you too." My husband then took her little hand and kissed my forehead.
"We're off, I'll meet you at the station, Jones."
I was a bit taken aback. He had never been willing to call me by Jones. To him, I was always his Swan.
"So you're finally embracing my name, huh?" I asked him.
"Well I like you as a Jones and I like our Hope as a Jones." He replied. I went in for a kiss which made our daughter groan.
"I'll see you at the station." I looked at Hope. "And I'll see you after school. Have a great day kid." I told her and kissed her on her forehead. I headed toward the station and it seemed to have taken hours for Killian to return.
"How was she?" I asked him desperately to make sure my baby was okay.
"It took a lot of hugs but eventually she made it through the door." He smiled, I could tell he was thinking about our baby too.
"You know, I never get tired of you like this. Being a father and my husband." I took his hand in mine. "Which is why I have some news." I bit my lip. I don't know why I was anxious it wasn't like this was new territory.
"Really? You're pregnant?" He asked.
"Yes I am." I whispered. He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me. This kiss was gentle and slow, but also had a passion behind it. He touched my stomach and said, "I cannot wait to meet my son."
"Son?" I asked him.
"Father's intuition. I was right about Hope. I'll be right about our little lad to." I smiled at this thought. The thought of having a little baby for the second time.
Then a question just came to me. "When are we going to tell Hope?" How were we going to tell her? What would she say?
"Let's tell her when we go sailing tonight. I always found the sea to be calming and she is much like her father." He smirked at me, he knew I hated it when he referred to himself as being our kid's favorite.
"Fine. Hope may be a lot like you, but I bet Liam is gonna be more like me." I folded my arms and his joking demeanor shifted.
"Liam? You want to name our boy Liam?" He sounded so surprised at my request.
"If it's a boy, then yes I do want to name him Liam. Both of your brothers have been good strong men and I'd be lucky if my son shared some of their qualities." It was true, despite my grievances with his eldest brother I still wanted my son to model him.
"Thank you Emma." He looked upon me kindly and kissed me.

I'm sorry if this was bad, the idea just came to me and I kind of rolled with it, but I hope you enjoyed reading it anyway ! :)

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