Chapter 9

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When I awoke I found myself chained up in the same ugly room I had been held in before. I groaned in despair at the memory. I couldn't believe I had let myself get kidnapped again. When was I going to learn to run from strange noises?

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to untangle the massive snarls that had taken over my hair. It hurt so much to brush my hair but I continued to do it anyways, welcoming the pain it brought.

The door started to open and I threw myself down onto a lying position and pretended I was sleeping. I heard a small conversation between Reese and an unfamiliar voice.

"The little brats not up yet," said Reese.

I kept listening to their conversation as I pretended to sleep. It got boring quickly, they talked about new weapons and quickly about me.

"I guess I'll just have to wake her up myself," Reese said loudly. I almost jumped in fright. That was one thing I could not let happen.

I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them. When I saw the two men standing in my room, I pretended to act surprised. "What am I doing here?" I asked. "Who's that dude?" I asked while pointing a finger at the unfamiliar big man.

"This is my partner, and you're here because you escaped last time, and I just cant have that," Reese smiled. He acted like he was doing me the best of favors by keeping me captive here, he wasnt. This was torture. What did he even want with me anyway? What did I ever do to him?

My stomach growled loudly but I just ignored it, not willing to ask for food because I didnt want to eat anything he made. For all I know he can put rat poison in it and end my life.

Reese seemed to have other ideas beside starving me, because when he heard my stomach roar again he jumped into action. He headed out of the room and said something to his partner that I couldnt understand. It just sounded like a jumble of sounds.

I layed back down on the bed, resting my head on the pillow. At least he gave me a bed to sleep on.

"Get up," said the big guy.

"What?" I asked. He couldnt tell me what to do, I was too stubborn for that. Whatever he told me to do I would do the opposite of.

"I said, get up," he repeated louder.

"No thanks."

"Reese says that you have some work to do. Get up you stubborn little bitch!"

"I dont want to," I snapped back sassily. I snuggled into the blankets and closed my eyes.

I heard his feet as they pounded across the room ferociously. I wasnt scared of him, Im sure he had orders to keep me alive, so that Reese could kill me himself.

Something sharp stabbed into my side and I gasped in pain. I arced my back and continued to gasp, the pain was overwhelming.

I put a hand on my side where the pain was coming from and my clothing was wet. When I pulled my hand away to examine it, I realized that it was stained red with a substance that was obviously blood.

The sharp object stabbed into my stomach this time and I screamed. Unbearable and unbelievable pain shooting though my body. The bed sheets would be red by the time he was done with me. I rolled over and clutched my stomach. I didnt care if my hands and arms were red and bloody.

"Get off the bed!" the man ordered.

"You have to unlock me first," I said. After he unchained me I got up quickly, not wanting to feel the pain again. He led me out of the room and I followed him without a single word. He led me into the kitchen where Reese stood, making chicken.

"What do you want the girl to do?" he asked.

Reese turned to look at me and said,"First you need to clean up her blood and then you can take her outside to meet Kyle. After that she can eat and I'll figure out what to do with her after then."

I was led into a bathroom where he stripped me and washed my blood away, the red mixing with the water and turning it a dark pink. I felt awkward and violated standing in front of this unknown man without clothes as he touched me. I didnt want to be touched by anyone. I didnt have a boyfriend back home, but if I did he would be the only one allowed to touch me.

I was redressed into a long sleeve black shirt and dark wash jeans. I put on the shoes that I was wearing when I was kidnapped and went out to meet Kyle, whoever that was.

He stood there in all navy blue, his hair and skin were the only thing of a different color. He finally saw us walking toward us and his eyes widened in recognition. "What a pretty girl you are," he said loudly, obviously intending it to be flirtatious.

I shivered in disgust. Too many things were happening today. I didnt like any of the people here.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered quietly, hoping that nobody actually heard me.

"Well, Karalynn, Im here to talk to you about some... things," he replied to my surprise.

"What kinds of things?" I asked nervously. All I seemed to be doing today was asking questions and aruguing with people.

"About what happens to girls like you, who are captured by Reese. Just so you are prepared when it finally happens."

The man that brought me here laughed like it was some sort of funny joke that I didnt quite understand. I shrunk back a little bit, not so sure that I should trust this man. Actually, I probably shouldnt, if he's involved with Reese.

"I dont understand," I said.

"Come here girl, let me show you what I mean," he replied slyly.

I slowly inched closer to him, not so sure about what he was about to do to me.

His arm flew out, grabbing the top of my jeans and pulling them down.

Hey guys! I know it's been a really long time since I last updated but I am busy with school and my other story. I will try to update more frequently though. I feel like I always say that and then I never do it. Whatever. I gotta go. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Bai!

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