In the end

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"Woahh yeah, kickstart my hear" is all I cared to listen too before slamming the snooze button on my alarm clock. I sighed, "back to hell". At least it was my last year at the hell hole known as "Saint John catholic high school". After deciding it was time to get ready, I managed to drag myself out of bed.
Walking into the bathroom, I looked at my pale body in the mirror. "Ugh, no wonder everyone hates you" I thought hatefully to myself. I hated the way I looked, and so did everyone else.
up you little bitch" my crazy bitch ass mom screamed, "great" I groaned, shaking my head in disbelief "she is drunk again". Eventually I began to brush and tease my dyed black hair. Next I did my eyeliner and decided to leave my pink lips bare. But ended up throwing the tube of bright red in my bag in case I decided I wanted it for later.
Looking down I realized I was still in my batman(yes batman!) pajamas. Walking over to my mainly black and dark coloured closet I heard my mom yell "IM LEAVING, I HOPE YOU REALIZE HOW WORTHLESS YOU ARE TODAY". Sighing, I picked out a Motley Crüe "Sex" shirt and red skinny jeans with a pair of combat boots.
Walking down the stairs, broken bottle and beer cans filling the kitchen and living room. Grabbing my black backpack and books and headed out the door. "Leaving one hell to head to another" I smirked sadly, almost laughing at the sadness of the sad thing I called a life.
Luckily, on my daily walk to school (I walked since it was fairly close) I didn't see any other kids from school. A couple of my jerk off neighbors yelled at me telling me to "get the fuck out" of their neighborhood. I just put my earbuds in and played "KISS" super loud pretending not to hear them. But I did notice that the house next to had a sold sign in front of it, "huh, when did it even go up for sale" I wondered. It will probably just be another family that hated me. Yay!
Finally I reached school. As soon as he stepped foot in the door the name calling started. "Emo", "Freak", "Gay boy" and "Whore" were just a couple of the names he heard. He just sighed and made his way to first period. English. It was with a new teacher. some guy named "Mr. Purdy", "Great" another human on earth that will hate him he thought.

I really hope people read this and if you do please comment and rate! I can only get better if you tell me what I'm doing wrong!

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