𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐕𝐄𝐑. | prologue

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5 years ago, March.

"You look beautiful, Aria," he said with a smile, the gesture exposing the dimples that adorned his sharp facial features. Blue eyes, as deep as the ocean, twinkled when I descended the marble stairs that spiraled to the ground floor, a blush threatening to rise. "You never fail to render me speechless."

He was incredibly dashing in that black and white suit; the mere simplicity of it accentuating his godlike features. His tawny hair was neatly groomed back so it didn't shield those magnificent eyes that watched me carefully. Words failed to describe how handsome he was. Sometimes, if not often, I wondered whether he was real or not. He held his hand out and I slipped mine into his, the warmth of our skin touching sent tingles across my body like fireworks flashing across the sky. He was definitely real.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I giggled, when I noticed his bow tie looked wonky. "Although, I really wish you learnt how to do your bow ties properly."

His smile broadened whilst observing me straighten the satin bow out. His hand rested on my hip, and I swore that the heat from his touch burned through my dress and left an invisible mark on my skin. I resisted the urge to shiver – I couldn't. I wouldn't. My attraction towards him had only grown until it reached the point where it was starting to consume me.

He was the drug, and I was the addict. From his sweet whispers to his sensual touches, I had loved every part of it... and, yet, here I was, going to this party as his best friend. Only his best friend. He would never know. I wouldn't dare tell him. Not when I couldn't be sure that he felt the same. It would risk everything and could change everything. Call me a coward, but it wasn't a gamble I was willing to take.

"Aria! Nero!" The thundering sound of my father's voice broke me out of my thoughts, and I dozily glanced up, catching his azure eyes flickering away and the beautiful smile falling, marginally. I wished it didn't, praying to see it once more.

One last time.

"I guess we're late," he muttered, encasing my hand once again.

I sighed. "I don't want to go."

"This is important to our parents, Ariadne. We can't not go," His thumb distracted me as they drew circles against my skin absentmindedly. "Especially, when they'll be announcing your acceptance into taking the title of the Don in a couple of weeks."

My heart sank at that destined title, a reminder of the responsibilities I would bear heavily on my shoulders, the power I was not sure I wanted. My smile fell and I looked away with a heavy exhale. I wished it hadn't turned out this way; I wished it wasn't my destiny.

But how could I disappoint my family by refusing such a prestigious and privileged title? How could I let my paranoia and fears overwhelm my duty as the heir to the Italian mafia? How could I be so selfish?

So many men would kill for my position, and I was about to undesirably accept it. What a joke. As if he knew my worries, Nero reached out and tenderly stroke my cheek, drawing my attention to him.

Billionaire's Attraction [𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃.]Where stories live. Discover now