Chapter 6

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Michael and I sit comfortably on the small sofa in the main room. I have a throw pillow in my lap, squeezing it to help calm my restless nerves. I really want to believe that Michael is just faking all of it, so I can go home to live my partially normal life. But I have a strange feeling that he is really telling the truth.

"So, now that I'm here, ask away." He relents. I ponder what I should ask first. "So what really am I? What actually are demons? There are such things as witches too?" I ask rapidly. He sighs and begins to speak "As I have said before, you are a half breed angel, so either your father is an angel and your mother is human, or vise Versa. I do not know yet what type of angel you are, but I suppose we will know when you sprout wings, or perhaps your powers will signify what you are. As for demons, yes they are real. They are born into the world from people's hate and fear. A result of a murder will sprout a more powerful demon, as a small offense such as derogatory comments or being a thief takes longer to summon up a demon, but they can still be powerful the longer you do a wrongful crime. They can have multiple forms, but the two main ones. One, a shadowy form is a more powerful demon. That's the one you saw that night you were attacked. A human-like form demon is still quite strong but still, are a little less powerful, such as the ones that invaded the apartment" He slightly scowls at that last thought, and takes a breath to continue, "And as for Jackie, yes, she is an actual witch. A powerful one too. I believe she has a friend coming over for extra security for the place."

We sit in silence, and I go over everything that has been said, "So I'm assuming wards are like a giant bubble shield?" I think allowed. Michael gives me a nod. "This is insane. I never thought I would be talking about demons, angels, and witches. And honestly, I'm not sure I believe all that you say, but I really don't think you would be able to scrounge up this much of an explanation, so I guess ill just have to take your word on it." I finish reluctantly. Michael gives me a look of 'are you kidding'. He stands "So would you be more compelled if you had proof?" he says.

"I suppose." He nods and moves his hands to pull his shirt off. The navy blue shirt comes peeling off of his smooth skin. He drops it to the floor and I look up to see a six-pack and a smooth happy trail ending where his jeans began. He makes a noise in the back of his throat and it makes me pull my head up. A smirk touches his full lips. "Are you done? Or can we move on?" I just nod, too embarrassed to say anything.

He closes his eyes and I hear a sudden ripping sound, like cloth being torn. The sound of sheets rustling. A blinding light pierces my eyes and I shield them with my palmed hands. What is this? It was a good minute when suddenly hands gently grasp my wrists to pull them away from my face. I crack open my eyes to see a large bluish-purple wing. I followed the tip of the wing, which has been resting just above the floor, up and came to realize that it connects to the back of Michaels back. My jaw drops to the floor in shock and I jerk my arms out of Michaels's grasp. I jump up on the couch and crawl over it to come behind it, needing some distance from the real angel standing in front of me.

"Oh my god..." I say slowly. His brows furrow in concern and says "Do you believe me now?" He asks just as slowly as if talking to a small child. I nod once. He nods as well, and his wings retract back into his body. He grabs his shirt from the ground and pulls it back on. My tense muscles eventually relax, and I come up from my slightly crouched position behind the reddish-brown couch. The throw pillow I had been squeezing had been thrown on the floor during my eagerness to get farther away from the angel in front of me. The realization finally hit me then. After a moment of standing and just staring at him in awe and fascination, I ask a question that finally hit me.

"Why were you in the cemetery that night?" I spoke with confidence, not as tense as I was. His eyes were on mine. He took a step closer and spoke. "I sensed you in the area, and I wanted to know why you were there." He says in a bland tone. He's trying to act as if he wasn't being suspicious as hell. And what was with that weird tingly shock sensation when he grabbed me? I persisted.

"That can't be all. What was with that weird feeling I got when you grabbed me that night. And ask me why I was there? I'm pretty sure you saw me sleeping there on the ground even before that, weren't you?

He relents.

"Yes. I was there before you awoke. And I'm pretty sure what you felt, as well as I was a bond I'm not sure you would comprehend. And I'm not sure I should tell you now, and just wait until another day. And I asked why you were there because I realized what you were, and my immediate thought was to question if you were there for some hidden agenda, but soon realized that you had no idea what you were. And since we're on this, I followed you home and to Walmart, that's how I knew you were being attached to the shadow demon." He finishes, now looking slightly uncomfortable. Probably because he admitted he was acting like a stalker during that small amount of time. But I had to think. Because of this bond, he followed me. Did I dare assumed to keep me safe? The more I think about it I get a little flattered. But enough is enough. I think I need a break from all of the demon, angel, witch, and now strange bond information.

"Thank you for finally telling me what was going on. All I wanted was honesty. But for the time being, I think I want to be alone." Words rush from my mouth like a freight train, and I spun out on my heels towards the spare bedroom. I slammed the door, ducked under the covers, and tried to get to sleep to wipe today's events from my memory.

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