Chapter 3

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As I opened my eyes, I slowly took in my surroundings

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As I opened my eyes, I slowly took in my surroundings. I was laying on a large bed wrapped in a black fuzzy blanket. There was also a large window to my right, filtering the morning sun. But sadly, my eyes didn't finish there tour thanks to the heavy footsteps coming down a spiral staircase. I quickly closed my eyes hoping he didn't hear my rustling. But just as suddenly as I heard the footsteps, I heard a voice say,

"I know you're awake."

I cracked my eyes open and saw he was watching me a couple of feet from where I was laying. I sigh and begin to sit up, but I wince, feeling every sore muscle. It felt as if my shoulder was dislocated, It was very painful if I moved too much. It was like someone decided to take a swing at a baseball, but ended up smashing someone's shoulder in, instead.

"What am I doing here?" I croak, cringing at how rough and scratchy my voice sounds. I look up to see his eyebrows furrowed in disdain, the corner of his full lips turned down in a small grimace. He looked like someone pissed in his damn cheerios, and I know full well I didn't do shit. This guy has a serious chip sitting on his shoulder and I have the urge to smack that disgusting look off his chiseled face, whether or not he looked like a god or not.

My own brows eventually furrow as I look into the depth of my memory trying to recall what had happened last night and how I came to have slept in this place he probably called a home. It all came up blurry though like someone tried to take a picture but the end result always came out shitty and crap. But I do remember a certain pair of eyes. Is it weird that the same guy that was glaring at me had the same color of blue eyes? No, he wouldn't do that, he probably wouldn't want to hurt that precious ego of his. Just look at him! He looks like a damn stuck up snob who thinks he owns the damn world. Unfortunately, I am interrupted by a rude asshole. He clears his throat and stares at my face intensely.

My eyes narrow and I ask, "Do I have something on my face, or do you have something that you're trying to spit out?" I ask him hotly. Even though we only met a couple of times briefly, I was already getting sick of his horrible attitude.

He lets out a short laugh and leans his body again the closest wall. He once again doesn't say anything but stares intently. Like he's searching for something, but he doesn't know what yet. Since he's not going to start up a conversation, I'm deciding to take action and maybe he can answer some of my unresolved questions.

I squeeze out of the blankets tight embrace, throw my legs out and over the edge, and unsteadily stand. He tries to get me to take his hand, and I slap it away. I look into his eyes and see anger. He took ahold of my wrist and looks me deep in the eyes, his face getting only a breath away.

"Will you calm the fuck down?" He growled lowly as I glare at him. He then loosens his hold and eventually lets go of my wrist. He lets out a deep sigh and runs his lanky fingers through his tawny gold hair.

"Well, I'll 'calm the fuck down' once you tell me what I want to know! I don't even know your name for God's sake! So quit beating around the damn bush and tell me what's going on." I finish hotly.

"Fine." He growls. He walks over to what looks like a small desk and grabs a book. He snaps his head to me and walks over. He hands me the book and its... The holy bible? "You really want to know? Because once you get involved, you can't get back out." He says disgustedly. My eyes stare at his.

"The holy bible? Really? Is this some type of joke? I mean, no offense, but what does this have to do with all of the previous times something bad has happened? Oh my god, this is a joke! Your fucking messing with me, screwing with my head-"

"Would you shut the hell up and let me explain?" He snatches the book from my hands and gently runs his fingertips against the leather cover. He sits with it on the edge of the bed, looks up at me and pats next to him. "If you still want to know you should probably sit down. Because what I'm going to start saying is going to sound crazy to your virgin ears-" I begin to open my mouth to tell him he's an idiot to think I would've stayed, but he rushes on "-but you need to pay attention. Because this stuff you consider a 'joke' is what you are. What we are. So please, just give it a chance." He sets the book to the side and pats next to him again. I decide to go with it to see what he had to say.

"Remember that night in the cemetery? And the cuts on your arms?" He asks at first, which has me confused as to why this relates.

"Uh, yeah?"

"They healed, didn't they?" He said it like he was making a statement.

"How could you possibly know about that?" I as incredulously.

"Because were one of the same... We're angels. But you're rarer. A half breed." He finally confesses. His tense shoulders hung in relief.

"What the hell are you talking about." My voice turns hysterical, my vocal cords straining like wires on a violin. The guy wasn't just crazy, he was mental.

"How do you think your wounds disappeared so quickly, huh? Do you remember last night when your damn shoulder and back looked like someone put a fucking cheese grater to it? And look, it looks like nothing happened. You don't remember anything from last night because you were in a large sum of pain, you passed out. But I'm glad that you don't remember because that was a fucking nightmare that you wouldn't want to have again." He lets out a long breath and his shoulders sag, his back slouched, his head bowed.

I take a long breath, sucking in the cool air and demand, "I want to go home. Take me home."

"I'm sorry but I can't, it's too dangerous for me to let you out there in a world full of demons. Especially the fallen. You're staying here until I can teach you to defend yourself, which is going to take some time." He concludes, his eyes holding mine, daring me to object. Since there's no winning a battle with the stubborn ass, and my mind too frazzled to make a good decision, I nod my head in defeat. This is going to be a long couple of weeks.

"Good, you can either sleep in here or in a spare bedroom. You choose, I don't honestly care." He says, sounding exhausted.

"I'll sleep in the spare. Oh, and one more question before I start staying here."


"Can you tell me your name already?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me. He smirks then chuckles, deep and throaty, and says,

"I'm Michael. Michael Khan." And that's when he leaves for what I assume is another room. This is what I'm going to have to live with. Great.

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