A Heaven From Hell's Despair (Avengers, Twilight)

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When Charlie Swan and Sue Clearwater were murdered by Renee Dwyer, Bella Swan, reeling from the departure of the Cullens, her father's murder and desperate to escape her psychopath mother turns to the only family she has left: Her Godfather Tony Stark. Bella/Steve.

It had been months since that dated day. The day her life had crashed down around her, just with one little sentence.

"We're leaving."

Months she spent, wallowing in her own misery, before she was snapped out of it by the worst thing that could ever happen, her father's death.

Bella stood, strait as a poker, an expression of utter despair on her face. But her eyes were dry, she had cried all of her tears long ago.

Charlie's coffin was simple, black wood. It did nothing to show what an amazing person her father was. Pain was what flowed through Bella's veins now, not the sweet smelling blood that Edward had craved more than anything else.

Edward. The thought of him still hurt, but the wound to her heart had scabbed over. Something about having your father murdered that gets you over your ex real quickly.

Renee stood beside her, fake tears falling. Bella knew her mother held no real pain over Charlie's death. It wasn't until too late that Charlie and Bella found out that Rene was a psychotic bitch. Not until Charlie had finally found love again.

Leah and Seth Clearwater stood on Bella's other side, alternating between looking sorrowfully at their mother's coffin, and glaring at Renee. They knew, just as Bella did, who was responsible for their parent's deaths.

The double funeral was over, and the sympathetic finally gone. Leah and Seth had gone back to the reservation, leaving Bella with Renee. Bella restrained herself from attacking her one time mother, who was going to get away with murder. If only she could find proof. But it was not meant to be. Like her and Edward.

Her mother was talking excitedly about them going back to Jacksonville. But there was no way she was going to live with this murderess. She already had made her plans. But, quite frankly, she was scared at what her mother would do to her if she defied her. So she quietly nodded along with her mo... With Renee. Not her mother, never her mother.

She had already written the letter which was to explain her flight and lay a false trail should she look.


The reason this letter is here is because I don't know how to say goodby to your face. I have to get away, and Jacksonville isn't far enough. America is too close to the Cullens. By the time you read this, I'll be on my way to England.
I love you, but I need time to be my own woman. So I guess this is goodbye for now.

Much love,

It was nearing midnight, she had to leave soon, she was ready, and the note was pinned to the fridge. She was just waiting for her ride, which eventually came. But instead of Jacob, who she had been expecting, it was Leah.

The she wolf stepped out of her car, and quietly lifted her small luggage into the trunk. Bella wanted to ask why it was her here instead, but Renee was a light sleeper, they needed to get going fast.

They were speeding away, on their way to La Push, where Bella was planning to spend the night, before flying to New York in the morning. She knew that she would be safe there. Her father's old friend had assured her of that. Charlie always told her to go to him if she was in trouble, so she did. He told her that it was no trouble, that he owed it to her father to take care of her.

When they arrived, it was at Sam and Emily's house. The lights were on, and she could see that the whole pack was there. She was immediately engulfed by the pack, drowning in the bear hugs administrated. Loud exclamations that she would be missed accompanying them. Eventually she was swept up in arms she recognized as Jacob's.

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